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Where The Grue Lives

This is that place where everything that doesn't go somewhere else goes. New to Halo, and wondering what this site talked about for 3 years? Browse around. Wondering where to find that cool Halo font, or where the link to the Halo Updates disappeared to, or wondering about what's been written about Halo in languages other than English? This is the place! Kick up your feet, browse around a bit...

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Halo Master and Chief
(Fan Music)
12/15/03 The sweet radar of the familar opening choral chant to HALO sparked Justin Durban's inspiration to do this track. Read the author's comments here.
Wearable MC Suit
(Fan Creations)
12/20/03 A chronicle of Chris Bryan's wearable Halo 2 MC suit - built over the course of a year. Documented all along the way. Wild!
Halo Movie Spoof Contest Entries
(Fan Creations)
12/25/03 MacGamer held a contest for photoshopped Movie Spoof entries; we're giving a home to those that entered but didn't win.
Chiastic Style of Halo
12/26/03 Dispatcher has written up an interesting analysis of the Halo storyline, with an eye to explaining some of the repetition in level design as intentional, rather than practical necessity.
Halo Movie Spoofs
(Fan Creations)
12/26/03 MacGamer had announced the winners of their 'Put the Master Chief in a Hollywood Movie' Photoshop contest. Some people were surprised by the winners... and after we received some submissions from folks who didn't win, we were, too.
Biomonky's Haloween grunt
(Fan Creations)
01/04/04 Biomonky dropped off a photo of his Halloween (Haloween) Grunt hat and plasma pistol, made with acrylic paint, a cardboard box, newspaper, tape, and glue.
Longest for Counter-Strike
(Fan Creations)
01/05/04 Dylan Velasquez created a Counter-Strike version of Longest.
Ptown_Players' Xboxconnect sounds
(Fan Creations)
01/14/04 Ptown_Players' have created some sounds they use with Xboxconnect, and they want to share.
Mac Halo 1.03 Patch Press Release
01/19/04 The Press release for the patch of iHalo, making it compatible with our WinPC brethren.
Ragnarock's 3dsmax version of Hang 'em High
(Fan Creations)
01/21/04 Ragnarock sent in a few pics of a version of Hang 'em High he created for a class.
Frankie's Halo 2 Updates
(HBO Prime)
01/26/04 During the latter stages of Halo 2's production, Bungie PR representative Frank O'Connor began sending out weekly updates on the progress of the game to a number of Halo fansites. Here they are archived, in an easy-to-read format.
JoyRide Studios 2004 Halo Toys Lineup
01/29/04 Richard White Jr sent us some information about the 2004 toy lineup from JoyRide, straight from its distributor (he's a retailer).
The HSP crew inverviewed the pair of Erics, Nylund and Trautmann.
(HBO Prime)
02/03/04 The Halo Story Page Crew cornered Eric Nylund and Eric Trautmann and got them to answer a few questions about the Halo backstory.
Erraticus Stupendicus
(Fan Creations)
02/04/04 elmatto created a comic about him and some friends playing Halo.
Hail to 117
(Fan Music)
02/05/04 A musical creation by Mothergoat (2 minutes, 1.8mb).
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