
They're Random, Baby!

Where The Grue Lives

This is that place where everything that doesn't go somewhere else goes. New to Halo, and wondering what this site talked about for 3 years? Browse around. Wondering where to find that cool Halo font, or where the link to the Halo Updates disappeared to, or wondering about what's been written about Halo in languages other than English? This is the place! Kick up your feet, browse around a bit...

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Halo Movie Hosting Information
07/26/03 An overview of the movie-hosting situation here at HBO, in an attempt to inform people who want to help.
Halo Clock 2
(Fan Creations)
07/28/03 Another way-cool Flash clock - this time using MCs to tell time. BOLL rocks.
(Fan Creations)
07/28/03 Some animated gifs created from EXTREMELY high-quality screenshots show opening and closing sentinels at multiple angles - you could almost believe these came from Bungie.
Mapping Halo
(Fan Creations)
07/28/03 BOLL used some custom software and a lot of time to recreate the map tiles Bungie used to texture the Halo. Absolutely worth a look.
Keyes Exploration
07/29/03 c0ld vengeance uses his modded Xbox and a lot of patience to give Keyes what he always wanted... a tour of his ship.
Red/Blue Hunter Model
(Fan Creations)
07/31/03 Another Chris Bryan creation, this time made of super sculpy (the same pink clay used to create models for creatures in Star Wars movies). He's 5.5" tall, from base to tip of longest spike... and he's not for sale.
Hunter Model
(Fan Creations)
07/31/03 A Chameleon Red/Blue Hunter Model made by Chris Bryan
Halo Weapons Sound Board
(Fan Creations)
08/02/03 Flash-animated Halo sound board, created by BOLL. See if you can come up with a tune!
PoA Grand Prize
08/06/03 The grand prize in the Pillar of Art contest - a framed piece by Lorraine McLees originally done for Bungie's 10th Anniversary party.
Multiplayer Maps... with vehicles.
(Fan Creations)
08/12/03 Nick did some hacking to put vehicles into all multiplayer maps. Useless... but fun.
HBO HaloPC Fanstock Writeup
08/16/03 A recounting of an event at Gearbox headquarters in Texas, just before release of Halo PC, aimed at fansite maintainers.
First Top-of-Level pic on Halo PC
(Fan Creations)
08/27/03 Dark Helmet wanted to be first - he was.
(Fan Music)
09/17/03 Another Silverbrin piece - read the author's comments here.
Translation - Pete Parsons Interview
(Transcripts and Translations)
09/28/03 German magazine Blick Online interviewed Pete Parsons at X03 - Harry Al-Shakarchi translated.
CPL Chat Transcript
(Transcripts and Translations)
10/29/03 Transcript of an IRC chat with Gearbox, Bungie and Microsoft hosted by the Cyberathlete Professional League.
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