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miscellaneous art

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Showing results (275-277) of 1921

if.gif Description: if.gif
Size: 19K
Screen size: 599x409
Created by Jack Smith.
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halo_morgan2.jpg Description: halo_morgan2.jpg
Size: 38K
Screen size: 566x425
Created by SkyRyan1. Cold. Bold. Captain Margan Gold.
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phoenixpath.jpg Description: phoenixpath.jpg
Size: 16K
Screen size: 455x561
Created by Ghôlsbane. This Miscellaneous Art item is actually the eps file containing the phoenix design path. What's shown here is an example; a simple glass filter applied using that path as the outline, but you can do pretty much anything with it. It's also available as an Illustrator EPS (12K) - this might be more compatible with programs other than Photoshop.
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