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Fan Fiction

The Virus Part 2
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 April 2003, 1:22 AM

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(New Bisson system, Bisson 11, 0935 hours, August 3, 2550)
The Virus
Commander Elite Klar Kunamee stared down at the little Grunt who had finally caught his breath. "You say the Plague is back?" Kunamee asked.
"Yes Excellency it is back," Nosliw said staring up at the tall Elite.
"And what would a gas-sucker know of the Plague it hasn't been seen for more than twenty units," a Jackal named Wok hissed.
"I saw a body of an Elite with the same signs that have been described in the account of the Plague," Nosliw said.
"I must see it to believe it, Plutenee," Kunamee blared.
"Yes Excellency," a red second-in-command Elite named Plutenee stepped forward.
"Your are acting field master while I am gone," Kunamee said.
"Yes Excellency," Plutenee said with a hint of excitment in his voice.
"Grunt you take me to the body," Kunamee demanded.
"Yes Excellency are we going to walk?" Nosliw asked.
"Unless you want to I prefer to take a Ghost," Kunamee said without looking at him. Kunamee waited half a unit then looked at the Grunt who was just standing there. "Are you going to get on?" Kunamee demanded iritatedly.
"Oh yes Excellency," Nosliw jumped onto one of the antigrav pods and Kunamee started it up.
The Ghost hovered a half unit off the ground and then sped foreward. Nosliw directed Kunamee to where the body lay.
Bisson two was almost like a giant grass field so they had no trouble to find the spot where Nosliw was only units ago.
Nosliw hopped off the Ghost and looked around at the aftermath of the battle. More Covenant bodies lay scattered across the battle field then human and most were Grunts like him. Nosliw walked over to the body of his best friend. He kneeled next to the body and said a prayer for his fallen brother.
"Grunt the body," Kunamee reminded him.
Nosliw jumped. "Oh yes this way Excellency," Nosliw said. He retraced his steps to where he had seen the body and sure enough it was still there.
The body was now a heap of twisted flesh. The grass was stained in purple blood that surrounded the body. The Elite's eyes had melted. The flesh had melted completly, revealing the insides that had all liquifyed.
Nosliw turned away sickened by the sight. Kunamee stared down at the Elite.
"This is definatly the Plague," Kunamee said. "Come we must report this to the Prophets."
(Pelican Dropship en route to UNSC Gladiator)
The eight men sat in silence all thinking of the Elite they had found.
Sergeant Holmes stared off into space. The sight of the Elite made him tingle. He tried to think of something else but his mind replayed the image over and over. Holmes looked up to see Private Hennings wiping away a river of sweat that ran down his face. "You okay Hen?" he asked.
"Yah fine sir just hot...really hot...I think...I'll take armor off," Hennings said.
Holmes looked at him, his face wrinkled in confusion. Hennings speech was sloppy and his voice souded slurred. His eyes were heavy like he was tired, but Hennings was never tired. "You sure your okay?" he asked again.
"Fine...just...hot.....extreme...ly..hot," Hennings whispered. He coughed up blood that spilled into his cupped hands. He coughed more and more blood that fell like a waterfall from his mouth o the ground.
Holmes was standing up now about to walk over to Hennings when he saw a bubble form on his cheek and pop. "What the hell?" Holmes said looking at Hennings.
Hennings screamed and fell to the ground clawing at his skin. "I'm so hot...the heat...can't...stand..th..th...the...heat!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.
Taylor ran over to him and put his hand on Hennings arm. The skin came off. "My god," Taylor said.
Hennings vomited and vomited until there was nothing left in his stomach. His skin began to bubble. His eyes began to melt and the milky white substance ran down from his sockets.He clawed at his skin tearing it off. His screams filled the troop bay. Hennings fell to the ground and began to convulge. He was sprawled on the floor, his muscles contracting.
Holmes stared in horror as Hennings jerked a little then lay still. A pool of crimson blood formed around him and worked its way across the troop bay floor.
The seven other Marines watched as Hennings body began to turn into liquid and the pool of blood boiled. The blood bubbled and began to evaporate.
To Be Continued...
