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Fan Fiction

Fan Fiction by Master Chief Spartan-117 <BoardRider331@aol.com>

Spartan IV #1 : We Regret To Inform You  |  Read/Post Comments
Posted By: Master Chief Spartan-117
Date: 14 July 2005, 5:06 pm  More by this author | Read this series

Spartan IV # III: The New Covenant  |  Read/Post Comments
Posted By: Master Chief Spartan-117
Date: 14 December 2005, 10:47 pm  More by this author | Read this series

Spartan IV # 4: Rifles and Real-Estate  |  Read/Post Comments
Posted By: Master Chief Spartan-117
Date: 20 February 2006, 6:47 pm  More by this author | Read this series
