Blam! Halo SETI Marines

Update on the last 14 days! (December 25, 2000, 0700 hours - January 8, 2001, 0700 hours PDT).

New members +5 Total members 549

New entrants to the top 500 in the last 14 days.

Name Total units
ETViperPhish 365
tc 12
M@c@ddict 10

Members lost in the last 14 days.

Name Total unitsWhere they went
Jabberwock 151 WWIIOL

Results received in last 14 days Today's team total Last team total
4412 164501 160089

210 marines in top 500 crunched a total of 3644 units. The difference between the SETI-calculated total and the total calculated by summing all the contributions of team members is now only 11 units.

CPU time in last 14 days Today's CPU time Last CPU time
7.39 years 237.33 years 229.94 years

Top seven unit submitters in the last 14 days (excludes new recruits)

Order Name Units (14 days) Total Units Average CPU time per unit
La Crunch
Lacrymosa 268 2000 11 hr 51 min 37.2 sec
2) DarthFlounder 257 4664 12 hr 56 min 42.8 sec
3) Brian Towne 171 4302 7 hr 27 min 11.7 sec
4) Xzzy 135 2276 10 hr 06 min 35.3 sec
5) cae 118 6832 7 hr 00 min 46.2 sec
6) SHARkY 98 1019 9 hr 44 min 17.0 sec
7) charleya 79 875 19 hr 14 min 11.2 sec

Top seven climbers in the top 500 in the last 14 days (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)

Order Name Positions climbed New rank Old rank
Reventlov 53 491 544
2) goblin 46 436 482
3) chris 30 459 489
4) Juhan 27 202 229
5) Vanadium-=SUN=- 19 152 171
6) Anonymous Rex 18 244 262
7) rlpowell
all climbed 15 NA NA

Results for 7 Day stats for 
November 6, 2000 October 30-November 6 2000 
November 13, 2000 November 6-November 13 2000 
November 20, 2000 November 13-November 20 2000 
November 27, 2000 November 20-November 27 2000 
December 4, 2000 November 27-December 4 2000 
December 25, 2000 December 4-December 25 2000 
January 8, 2001 December 25 2000-January 8 2001 

Older results can be found in the Halo SETI Marines Archive

Stats not right? You have a question/suggestion? You found the Covenant? Then email us.
