Fun has returned to Halo - Mint Blitz reports Mint Blitz has an 8-minute video round-up of some new Halo developments. And apparently "fun has returned". Topics include mini-games in Halo Infinite (Duck Hunt, anyone?), plus some Halo 2 restoration work in the form of a Sanctuary "Tech Demo", featuring some very nice Tomb Raider style surroundings. Not that Lara Croft was actually present, but she definitely wouldn't have looked out of place:
RvB going out for one final ride Red vs Blue has been a mainstay of the Halo franchise for much of its existence, but all things come to an end, and for RVB, that appears to be with this coming season:
COLLECTIVE: A Multi-Halo Tricking/Launching Montage If you're in the mood for Halo players getting into places they're not supposed to be, this tricking/launching video clocks in a 30 minutes and is filled with chicanery and 'how did they do that?' moments.
Thanks, RVideo.(fuchsdh 23:40:40 UTC)
A Window? Just on its own? It's that time again! Rooster Teeth has released a trailer for Red vs Blue Season 14 - we're still a few weeks away from the actual season, but this should give you a sense of what's coming. Or... maybe not. (It's pretty odd, in the typical RT-funny-weird style that makes you laugh and shake your head at the same time.) (Louis Wu 18:11:44 UTC)
A Musical Hello to Ireland Marty O'Donnell and Mike Salvatori sang the Halo monk chant as part of their introduction for the 2nd Annual Dublin International Game Music Festival - I got chills! (Feel free to comment on our forum.) (Louis Wu 18:09:19 UTC)
The Best of Halo 3 Mythbusters DefendTheHouse has released a Best-Of video, showing off highlights from their Halo 3 MythBusting days. Memories! Go watch. Thanks, Dust Storm. (Louis Wu 20:31:59 UTC)
Red vs Blue Season 13 - Now Complete Rooster Teeth released Episode 19 of Red vs Blue Season 13 last week... and today was the public release of Episode 20, the finale for the season. Combined, these two episodes are nearly half an hour long... and they do a fine job of wrapping up not only season 13, but also some loose ends from previous seasons - absolutely worth your time! The Official Soundtrack for the season, full of some really killer music, has also been made available for sale - swing by the Trocadero website for samples and info, or just visit iTunes for the entire disc. (Louis Wu 23:37:23 UTC)
The Surprising Twists of Red vs Blue Really not doing very well at consistent reporting, but hey... it's summer! Three weeks ago, we mentioned that Rooster Teeth had released Red vs Blue Season 13 Episode 15 - 'Armonia, Part One'. Since then, they've released Armonia, Part Two (Doyle acts in a surprising manner), All or Nothing (Locus shows a surprising level of morality), and Great Destroyers (knives provide some surprises). Things are really heating up - just two more episodes! (There was also a PSA - this one should help you narrow down the choices for the next movie to watch.) Go catch up! (Louis Wu 06:26:24 UTC)
Halo Time Travel and Evolution MythicTyrant has gone back and revisited all major titles of the Halo franchise, delineating what he considers their high and low points. Pretty interesting discussion! Go watch.
(Louis Wu 21:40:50 UTC)
Three Wraiths, Ghost attack Rockslider took on a few Wraiths on AoTCR - why use anything bigger than a Ghost? Go watch - some fun shenanigans. (Louis Wu 23:07:34 UTC)
Catching up on RvBS13 The heat here in Seattle has fried my brain; we're two weeks behind on Red vs Blue Season 13. And that's no good, because the series is AWESOME. Episode 14, Counseling, focuses on getting people who don't like each other to find nice things to say about each other (yeah, that doesn't always work), while Episode 15, Armonia, Part One, gets Carolina to face an old foe. Events are barreling along towards the season finale - go watch! (Louis Wu 23:05:07 UTC)
The Thin Fed Line Once again, I'm several days behind on the latest episode of Red vs Blue Season 13, and that's a shame, because it's fantastic, and you should watch it when it comes out. Episode 13 details the tribulations of the Chorus military, the fears of Carolina, and the plans of Locus. Things are getting scary! (Louis Wu 20:40:07 UTC)
Woaf 117: Pillow of Awesome The Woaf stopped by to announce his new series, 'Woaf 117'. Episode 1 is called 'Pillow of Awesome', and it adds a new spin to some familiar footage. Go try it out!(Louis Wu 20:37:50 UTC)
Extreme Convenant Spawning Rockslider has explored a little further with his crazy Grunt/Jackal spawning experiments... seems the more you pack in, the weirder things get. Check out the video - it's a blast! (Well, many blasts.) (Louis Wu 22:59:14 UTC)
Custom Trailers: Hunt The Truth Wow, interesting. Exanubisleader stopped by to point out a project he's just released - it's a trailer for Hunt the Truth. Works pretty well! Go watch. (Louis Wu 20:48:27 UTC)
Selfies in the War Zone Episode 2 Longtime visitors will remember This Spartan Life, a groundbreaking series that used Halo machinima as a backdrop to fascinating interviews with real-world guests. They're back with a second episode of their newest series, 'Selfies in the War Zone' - and the guest this time out is Pete Cooper, superfan whose biggest claim to fame is a full-size Warthog he built for a live action Halo video. He talks about Telekos Protocol and Drone, two graphic novel series he's been building for a few years. It's a great discussion, and Damian Lacedamian shows that the format still works wonderfully! Check it out. (Louis Wu 20:34:16 UTC)
PSA - Warning: Trigger Warnings This week's release from the Rooster Teeth team was another PSA - this one takes a close look at Trigger Warnings, and, well... if you need them, don't watch. That's all. (Louis Wu 20:06:58 UTC)
Off-Key Another week, another episode of Red vs Blue Season 13 - Ep 12 is full of fine moments and turning points. Can they get the sword back? Will Carolina and Epsilon recover? Will Kimball get herself court-martialed? Will anyone act like an adult? Go watch to find out! (Louis Wu 22:38:13 UTC)
Close Combat Against 6 Hunters Rockslider has gone back to Silent Cartographer to see how he would do against 6 Hunters, on Heroic. Heh.
(Louis Wu 21:39:46 UTC)
Remastering An Epic Game Informer has an interview with folks on the audio team of Halo 5 - it's a fascinating look at how sounds and music are being updated for Halo 5. Go watch! Thanks, Bounce-A-Gon.
(Louis Wu 21:38:22 UTC)
Halo The Musical We missed this when it came out - but Vic M. made sure we heard about it. lhugueny posted Halo The Musical... a musical animated version (sort of) of the first game. The autotuning adds a nice touch. (Louis Wu 22:44:17 UTC)
Breaking The Habit AssaultGodzilla once again celebrates his birthday with a Halo music video - it's quite short, but as always, timing is great. (Louis Wu 21:45:56 UTC)
Long Story Short Layne Thomas let us know that his group just released the 100th episode of Marlin the Elite. (We've looked in on Marlin from time to time in the past few years.) Go watch this episode- Marlin has decided to write an autobiography, but he's underestimated the power of the past. (Louis Wu 22:53:18 UTC)
Tim Longo talks Halo 5 During E3, YouTuber h0lmb0m got a chance to talk to Tim Longo about Halo 5: Guardians - it's worth your time! (Louis Wu 22:37:34 UTC)