
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Longsword R: Rally Point Alpha'

7:23 pm | June 16, 2004
Thank god lol! Your writing is much better then a lot of people i;ve seen on the board. Just keep up the good work.
8:22 pm | June 14, 2004
I'm trying to tone down the power, but I'm not sure how well it'll come off...remember, the Covies are caught completely by surprise here.
Also, I could've sworn that the entire Super MAC is a big as a destroyer! And, unlike a few of us, I haven't put Super MACs on the ships!
7:46 pm | June 14, 2004
Good, SterFrye, but there are some minor flaws. First of all, the Super MAC guns superconducting coils alone were larger then a Marathon class cruiser. Second of all, Your ships are a little bit too powerful to be realistic. I know, i succumbed to the same whiz-bang sort of stuff once too. Tone down the power of your human ships. Otherwise, 9.5/10
6:32 am | June 12, 2004
Yup, argees with previous poster. MadJackal is good, and the Iron Hands were a masterpiece.

Still, there are plenty of excellent writers around here, CoLd, Main, Shade, Frensa, Wado (A little higher up than everyone else) who write stories which I think may be better than the Iron Hands, If we lokk at it objectively.

Though, that series appealed very much to me, and I've continued to keep it close to my heart.
3:18 am | June 12, 2004
Read Iron Hand of the Prophets by Mad Jackal not me. The story was a little too detailed try cutting it down.
3:12 am | June 12, 2004
Jillybeans Halos and Rings story is by far the best ever
2:40 am | June 12, 2004
You all forgot Walker's Charge of the Grunt Brigade, and other stories. Jilly Bean, Frensa Geran.
10:14 pm | June 11, 2004
I agree that people such as Wado, Mainevent, CoLd, Nick, etc are awesome writers, but i would like to point out Agent Shade's "Shadow Ops" series and his "Project Shadow Spartan." Two very cool stories, which i felt i would like to mention

also, great job Sterfrye
5:47 pm | June 11, 2004
Has anyone noticed how Main...Charlie...not Mainevent seems rather similar to Manny Vient? Hmmmmmm.
5:33 pm | June 11, 2004
Very well written. Also I can't help but notice this sounds alot like the Star Wars X-Wing books. Which I enjoy greatly, but hearing it told in the Halo Universe is excellent, Keep it up.
Manny Vient
3:34 pm | June 11, 2004
I still like Mainevent's the best. ;P
Nick...I mean Nicholas Kahn...yeah, Nicholas Kahn
1:26 pm | June 11, 2004
Oh yeah, well CoLd BlooDed's and Mainevent's stuff isn't nearly as good as Nick Kangs. Kang's the best writer on this site! Oh yeah, he said that this story is awesome!

NK...I mean...
--Nicholas Kahn
CoLd... erm... HoT BlooDed
3:23 am | June 11, 2004
CoLd BlooDed's stuff is pretty hot. Oh, and Sterfrye, CoLd said he read through most of this but will finish it tomorrow. ;)
The NEW Zak
2:40 am | June 11, 2004
Definately GLADIATRRR and his A Marine Named Peters series.
5:02 pm | June 10, 2004
Lol, Mainevent. Your stories are pretty good.

Wado is a master storyteller, the only thing that bothered me about his series was that they were kind of weird at times, but still cool.
Main...Charlie...not Mainevent
4:51 pm | June 10, 2004
Anything by Mainevent is pretty good. :P
4:44 pm | June 10, 2004
Eternal sunder, or anything by Wado
12:02 pm | June 10, 2004
I wanna read a really good fan fic, so can people say what the best fan fic they've ever read on this site.
P.S You can't say any of your own stories!
11:24 am | June 10, 2004
This story rocks...royally. Almost as good as Steele's work, which is the best ship-to-ship stuff on this site. (search his name, In ddefense of Earth remains my favorite story on this site, next to Eternal Sunder0

10/10 S7yle and subs7ance.
3:03 am | June 10, 2004
Good stuff Ster. Read it the other night, but it's still good. Keep up the work!
Agent Shade
2:45 am | June 10, 2004
muy fantastic amigo
2:20 am | June 10, 2004
Incredibly awesome. I feel pathetically inferior.
The NEW Zak
1:01 am | June 10, 2004
im not going to write anymore stories for awhile, ill just stick to reading them. I know some of you are probably cheering, but i would like to thank anybody who even bothered to read my stories, except Hawk7886. So thanks, ill be back someday............
