
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo: Mercy ch: 1'

5:17 pm | August 8, 2003
Alpha Lance
4:05 pm | August 7, 2003
You know,that annoying ///////,I'm kinda trying to
explain it to use ____________ instead of ///////.
Shit your right WTF am I talking. SHIT,SHIT,SHIT
3:27 pm | August 7, 2003
WTF are YOU talking about lance?
Alpha Lance
11:44 am | August 7, 2003
Yes scope got a point use this symbol *_* you know like this *__________________* not this
*---------------* and this*///////* okay,it *shift* + *-* next to the
*+* and *=* signs,but I think tou get the point m'kay.
And your score is 9.0/10.
11:42 am | August 7, 2003
8/10 Wtf is with the ///////, dont ever do that.
Alpha Lance
11:36 am | August 7, 2003
"/Its the well of God\\"that gets a little confusing at time.Why don't you use something like this"Its the well of God"said a covenant soilder.Or,a covenant soilder said"Its the well of God."And capilize God,if he real,I hope.But
God could be any thing we won't him,she,or it to
be,I geuss.
