
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Megg Story'

12:23 am | July 21, 2004
2:20 pm | May 19, 2003
So does this have to do with the megg search then?
Louis Wu
12:48 pm | May 4, 2003
Every time you hit the 'post comment' button, it'll post whatever's in the cache. If you double-click the button (which lots of people do on web pages, it's why there are huge warnings at the bottom of online stores saying 'don't double-click, or you'll be billed twice'), you'll get two copies.

There are literally thousands of comments in this system now, from hundreds of people using a full spectrum of browsers/operating systems. I'm sure there are still glitches... but double-posting (on the server side) isn't one of 'em.
11:00 am | May 4, 2003
Preach it!
Simpsons Rule
1:19 am | May 4, 2003
Lol, sorry you guys. Actually I read the HTML guid and I learned all I could. I will try harder next time I swear. Hey, its a series remember, I still gotta figure out how MC kills those damn marines. Oh and before I forget, I only entered my comment once and it came up twice. Same thing probably happened to scope. Also, this is my first Fan Fic story.
Louis Wu
1:48 pm | May 3, 2003
It frightens me that James felt he had to list the formatting available. (He did, obviously - just read the two Simsons Rule comments before his to see that - but it's frightening nonetheless.)

At the top of the submission form, in big bold letters, set off from other text, it says

"Directions for use (will pop up in a new window) READ THESE OR ELSE!"

This particular subsection of the site is populated by people who enjoy writing fiction. Presumably, that means they also read.


I can't tell you the number of people who've emailed in questions that are answered clearly in that document. How the HELL can I make you people read it? Does it have to be required reading before you can have access to the submission form? (That is, when you wanted to submit a story, you'd get the directions page; then you'd get a quiz, populated with random questions having to do with the directions page - different every time. Only after answering the questions would you get the submission form.)

You people depress me sometimes.
James Kinsella
1:48 am | May 3, 2003
I'm submitting a list of html that you use in the document. Kinda self explanatory...

There are severel different HTML tags that you can use.
1. The Italics tags are[i]whateveryouwantinitalics[/i]. The second set is to close the italics tag so that the rest of the page isn't italicised.

2. Also you need [indent] tags. You just type this(with the marks around it) at the beginning of a new paragraph. No closing tags required.

3. And [b]whateveryouwantinbold[/b] tags. The second set is to close the bold tag so that the rest of the page isn't in bold.

4. Finally you have the [hr] tag. This puts a thin horizontal line acroos the entire piece that can be used to separate things.

Hope This Helps!
Carrier Form
1:37 am | May 3, 2003
Hmmm...interesting, it seems very similar to the incident i had with captin keyes recently.
Simpsons Rule
12:09 am | May 3, 2003
I tried indenting but every time I hit tab it moved down the page. I tried hitting the space bar six times and nothing. This is my first Fan Fiction Story and since I was very involved in The Megg search I found this fitting. Sorry if it doesn't meet the standards.
Simpsons Rule
12:09 am | May 3, 2003
I tried indenting but every time I hit tab it moved down the page. I tried hitting the space bar six times and nothing. This is my first Fan Fiction Story and since I was very involved in The Megg search I found this fitting. Sorry if it doesn't meet the standards.
4:48 pm | May 2, 2003
yes simpsons do rule
I'm not sure what to say.
2:49 pm | May 2, 2003
2:06 pm | May 2, 2003
Yeah... but the Simpsons DO rule.
Agent Shade
1:24 am | May 2, 2003
well...least you tried...just...i dunno...6/10
10:55 pm | May 1, 2003
7/10 My complaint is that James named all my complaints
10:55 pm | May 1, 2003
7/10 My complaint is that James named all my complaints
James Kinsella
9:57 pm | May 1, 2003
Where to start... You need new paragraphs for new speakers. Indent new paragraphs. The list goes on. I'm sure others will register their complaints.
