
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Human vs. Covenant War: Part One'

1:33 am | June 25, 2003
Good story. But needs more to it. I'll give it a 7.5/10
Wiley K
4:26 pm | June 24, 2003
This one sucks. It is so bad even that GTA thing beats it.

10:19 pm | June 23, 2003
good stuff. i liked the part whit the elites, and stompin in their skulls. keep it up.
8:09 pm | June 23, 2003
Nice idea, but Hansley is just a little though? How about making him have some kind of battle armor... Not a SPARTAN-II but some kind of it... When doing like this he is like some kinda Arnie

Good one with the Sarge's foot ;)

Ronald Maszk
3:32 pm | June 23, 2003
I started a new series, cause my other one sucked. I hope you like it.
