
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Nemesis'

5:42 pm | March 27, 2004
You'll see where I'm going with this

Now for #2
5:26 am | March 27, 2004
I agree with the Collector. It was very creative. I'm impressed. I'll be waiting for the next one :)
The Collector
4:39 am | March 27, 2004
Not Bad... I was surprised that someone started writing about the pre halo era. Even with limited if not next to nil information you manage to make it as close to what they might be using back then. Question though, did u use some of speculation from the posts on here or from the game itself. Cuz u know i dont think that they might be using carbin shells maybe it could be both }) I dunno. Also you had a few mixe up with words. Core ward and spinward - u meant towards the middle and left or is it middle (dead ahead and to the squad leaders left). It gets a lil confusing towards the end. But good luck man/girl whatever. Revise this story a lil bit more and repost. I c u got potential to make this an exciting new series. ;]
