
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Fafnir Chapter Two - Dragons Live'

Knightmare Wolf
5:29 pm | July 25, 2002
arrg, alright i'll work on the storyline for you
Colonel Silver
7:01 pm | July 18, 2002
10:08 pm | July 15, 2002
yeah! I know we're gettin' ideas for a story together, but you have to finish it! At least post the entire storyline, so that you don't keep everyone hanging!
9:16 pm | July 15, 2002
Pleeeeease keep writing. I'm begging ya, man!
Knightmare Wolf
12:38 am | July 15, 2002
I dunno if I am gonna write it anymore, not unless you really want me to, but at the very least i'll send you a summary
2:56 pm | July 14, 2002
oh yeah and indent yer paragraphs, too.
2:56 pm | July 14, 2002
I've not seen LotRs but I get what yer sayin'. One thing: are you on vacation or something, cuz I want ta know if yer still workin' on the story?
Knightmare Wolf
1:48 am | July 14, 2002
LOL.. think they tried that, it ended up as "Pecks" in the movie willow and "Frodo, Bilbo and gang" in lord of the rings
12:48 am | July 14, 2002
What the hell you gys sayin'? More "Moonman" talk again. Is it mytholagy or something? If it isn't...then s*** I'm confused.
12:27 am | July 14, 2002
Don't bother. The state part already has me confused. The 51st state, Nibelung. I'll know the Yanks are nuts when they call the 51st state Nibelung, and populate it with midgets.
Archangels Blade
11:51 am | July 13, 2002
Geek, huh? That's way off base. If you're gonna call me something, call me a nerd. Everybody does, for some reason. Probably because i'm the brains of the outfit. Anyways, i know a good deal about ancient cultures, but what on Earth is a nibelung dwarf?
Knightmare Wolf
1:03 am | July 13, 2002
Its a dwarf from the province er... state er country or whatever of nibelung a guess
Knightmare Wolf
12:59 am | July 12, 2002
lol.. sorry about that last part i had to say it! :)
Knightmare Wolf
12:57 am | July 12, 2002
Actually i was giving u a lesson on the mythology of ancient cultures, although i'm not sure thats something you could grasp, its for educated people, or for geeks (like me)and those who are also geeks with nothing better to do than read this post (like you arch)
6:23 pm | July 11, 2002
I know, man. I know exactly what Cerebus is. And i know what a Hellhound is as well. Only they have just one head. However, who's this Sigfried guy? What are these nibblewhatever dwarves? You aren't talking about the Forgotten Realms, are you? This is HALO, man!
Knightmare Wolf
5:36 pm | July 8, 2002
Fafnir was a big huge green dragon that dwarfed other dragons and guarded the secret treasure of the nibelung dwarves... Thats what i head anyway, I think it was siegfried that killed him. And uh, Arch the two headed dog is some sort of hell hound. Cerebrus is a large three headed dog that guards the gates to something or other, my first guess would be hades.
12:29 pm | July 8, 2002
Arch, I got it right okay? Wolf said to look at the part title, "DRAGONS Live." Fafnir means 'dragon' or 'demon'.
Knightmare Wolf
12:14 am | July 8, 2002
no its not a two headed dog
Archangels Blade
10:48 pm | July 7, 2002
It's like some sort of two headed dog or something, right...? I don't mean Cerebus either.
7:28 pm | July 7, 2002
Boo-ya grandma. . .and Tokoyo as well.
2:49 pm | July 7, 2002
Very good!
10:32 pm | July 6, 2002
Ah ha. It means 'dragon' or 'demon'. Am I right?
Archangels Blade
7:42 pm | July 5, 2002
Dude, was that guard bent on screwing his CO or what? Did i just type that? oops. Anyways, good story, 'grats on finding a title, and is FAFNIR a superweapon or something (just adding in my guess...)?
Knightmare Wolf
3:09 pm | July 4, 2002
Think, and you'll (Damn late nights really getting to me this afternoon)
Knightmare Wolf
3:07 pm | July 4, 2002
The name's a big scandal now, but i thinl iou'll like it when you learn what it is
4:26 am | July 4, 2002
i didn't pick up anything about the name so far. It was smooth flowing though.
Knightmare Wolf
3:34 pm | July 3, 2002
Nike, look at the part name, it might clue you in, I wont tell you directly. Thanks for the feedback people, it means a lot to me!
2:45 pm | July 3, 2002
Fafnir obviously means something...it was in caps in the story...
1:42 pm | July 3, 2002
At least you found a title. I'm curious but. . .where did the name come from. A good story.
Knightmare Wolf
3:45 am | July 3, 2002
Just curious, I know I asked for feedback in the story itself but.. Does anyone even bother reading my story?
