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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Rebirth - To Biraak'

10:15 pm | April 7, 2003
Okay, my mistake. The Flood book thing, I haven't read that yet. Working on getting it. Nylund fellow lives in the same town, hn? Cool.
3:21 am | April 7, 2003
Steele i loved it way more then fallofreach. True I wish the author would have added mor in about AOTCR. Why do both of the authors of halo novels live in washington I live in washington? Hell Eric Nylund lives in the same town as me.
3:57 am | April 6, 2003
Is that the new Halo book out?
3:36 am | April 6, 2003
I got it March 27 and finished it March 28. I preordered it. In my opinion it was good, except for some of the levels being chopped up(Halo, AOTCR). But I really liked it. How 'bout you?
4:05 pm | April 5, 2003
Ok how many of you are reading Halo: The Flood or have finished it? I just finished it today.
3:45 pm | April 5, 2003
Nonnoononono Knightmare what I ment was storys with no plot, death and destruction is all we see in new fan fics and thats the problem with new authors your story did have a plot and barely any killing. Sorry I worded my comment wrong this is what I ment.
11:17 am | April 5, 2003
What? There has been very little killing in this story... and it SO has a plot. But if you want me to start doing pointless killing, I'll show you what these characters can do...
9:57 pm | April 4, 2003
Finally a story with no plot and a bunch of killing and destruction thats the problem with new authors keep it up Knightmare!
11:49 am | April 4, 2003
As Shadow, and possibly Wado already know, I like to play mind games. You get to figure them out, and those that you don't figure out I'll reveal later on... perhaps.
11:27 am | April 4, 2003
Hmmm...that was something.

No real comment here, just the constant pounding of the question: WHY SO MANY QUESTIONS??

I noticed throughout the whole story that a lot of questions were placed here and there like a mine field. I kept slapping my forhead in frustration. Good story, bizzare plot, and next time, refrain from the use of a large number of questions. It does the general audience an enormous favor.

9:34 pm | April 3, 2003
This is the Fourth one of my prologues... Arch should be submitting his any time now, and if not, Shadow. So keep your eyes peeled. Thanks.
8:51 pm | April 3, 2003
GASP!!! A STORY!!! No mindless killing as is seen in most fanfics that are literally pointless battles and nonsensical killing that they call a story. Nice work, and you get an A...
James Kinsella
7:55 pm | April 3, 2003
Kinda got it, Kinda didn't. It was kinda weird actually but i haven't gotten 'The Flood' yet and that may clear it up. Keep em coming.
4:10 pm | April 3, 2003
Beautifully written Knightmare. Nice job.

*possible spoilers below*
It's as full of strange messages as Bungie's own stuff. I'm not exactly sure what is going on in the story, but having dug deeper into the words it does appear that Shade has met a monitor in an old Forerunner installation. Strange things happened between them, perhaps this is the re-"birth" of someone foreshadowed.

Water doesn't carry DNA, though, so the only water reference I can make is that of water spawning life. A sacrifice and collapse of one empire for the chance that others may live.

The thing Shade now seeks is most obviously the Flood. I won't say anything more here, rather I'll let the story unfold, in due time.
