
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'A Series of Wierd Events - Sequel, Part Four [HUNTER_KILLER]'

12:20 pm | December 1, 2003
Why, thank you Hawk. =)
11:10 pm | November 27, 2003
H_K, I've noticed your attitude has changed a bit. You're more friendly and warm to everyone.

I like how this mondo series is turning out, I just hope it has a good ending ;)

12:11 pm | November 27, 2003
I still love this story ,and I find it great that you're putting in alot of the HBOers into it. 10/10
6:53 pm | November 26, 2003
I can't give it to you. I don't have it. I already sent it in and didn't save a copy.
3:56 pm | November 26, 2003
Alright, I just emailed you know. Hope you get it.
CoLd BlooDed
12:47 pm | November 26, 2003
Ok then, sorry though I have alot of homework tonite that I have to do for tomorrow. So I probably won't have time to write my part of the story. If I do though I'll send it to you.
1:32 am | November 26, 2003
Just wanted to let you know I will be submitting mine as well.
11:30 pm | November 25, 2003
Ok, submit it to me imeediately at jlp8118@sbcglobal.net and I'll see if it passes... go do it now, Main! =)

Yes, CoLd. I DO mean the level. =)
12:45 pm | November 25, 2003
I submitted it as a single story. I'm sorry. Just forget my part, and I can like, do it over right.
12:11 pm | November 25, 2003
Sorry, Jamiarus99. I(and a few others)feel cussing enphasises the reality of the stiuation. This I probably won't change, unless I feel otherwise.

Sorry again. I do write sort of Imp... imp... whatever that word was *laughs nevously* nothing I can do if I'm a bit... um.... that word.

Mainevent, no offense, but you sorta screwed with your part being read as a story, submiting it as a new series[as you probably did]. In future, submit to ME[It seems like this is the tenth time I've had to type this]if you want it officaly AS0WE'ed
12:02 pm | November 25, 2003
There are no words for how awful this is....I'm sorry, I can't even see this as being just me. Cursing, bad jokes, and an imperious writing attitude do not constitute a good fic.
11:01 am | November 25, 2003
Imperious as in, everybody knowing who you in particular are.

I'm grateful that you respect my opinion. I have been rather harsh on you in particular as of late, and I'm glad you still listen civilly. My problem with this last one wa that it seemed like the cursing was unneccassary and a lot like filler.

I love reading stories, but your stories in particular seem to lack the contenet that makes others work shine. You could be right up there....if you are willing to take that extra step! Go for it!
5:06 am | November 25, 2003
thank ya much H_K
2:08 am | November 25, 2003
Shit....I was supposed to send it to you....


Ooops, I guess.

Well my part wasn't a biggy. We just hit up the grounded POA, got some supplies and went back to Alpha Base....see..no big deal....
CoLd BlooDed
1:45 am | November 25, 2003
Lol, ok Hunter_Killer, you mean the Library as in the level?
1:43 am | November 25, 2003
SOS.Odin, you are officaly commisioned as Marine Capt. in the 52nd "Delta" Squad of the UNSC for ASoWE - Sequel. You like?

Ok, Main, send 'er in!

Walker, you can do whatever you want wit Squad Omega. As long as it don't violate the rules. =)
1:34 am | November 25, 2003
Jamarius99, I respect your oppinion, as I do every one of these glorious Fan Fic writers, Artists, Admins, Forumgoers, Hackers, The Halo Story Page Crew, and everyone else at this site.

Though, what's so bad about cussing in language? Everyone's not going to use nice and pretty words in the battle front when the guns 're blazing and the bombs are bursting. =)

"imperious writing attitude"? Could you clarify please? Thank You.

CoLd, of course you may write, as may anyone involved in ASoWE - Sequel. The rules are as follows:

1. You can submit to me with your point of view, or to me, or to me. Choose.
2. No major changing of the plot.
3. Don't pass me up in the plot(i.e: I'm on the PoA and you're in the Library. Nope! Can't do!). I'm the one creating this, remember? =D
4. Be curtious to all HBOers in it. (i.e: Making Hawk look like a retard. DOn'T DO IT!)
1:05 am | November 25, 2003
hey hey
i really like the idea of the HBOers
and was just wonderin....
maybe ya could fit me in there somewhere
ya don't hafta inclue the SOS. part
that kinda died off wit me
just keepin it cuz its part of my author name here
so if ya could fit me in i would love it
CoLd BlooDed
11:33 pm | November 24, 2003
Hey main, do I have to write anything up while I'm in your squad?
11:12 pm | November 24, 2003
I don't want Omega Squad at Alpha Base... the Walking Dead work alone. Maybe we'll stop there to rearm, then back out on recon. One can always hope.

Semper Fi


PS: Good story.
10:45 pm | November 24, 2003
I'll write this next part from Alpha Base, and 'Nosolee will be in my squad, but after that, he can be split up or whatnot if he wants to.
10:45 pm | November 24, 2003
Alright, So November squad 'll be

Wado, FOrunnER, Cold Blooded, 'Nosolee and Goatrope. That'll do. I'll write my part tonight if I can. SHould I pick up on the POA or at Alpha base?
10:45 pm | November 24, 2003
I can probably rustle in 'Nosolee if he can't find his own squad.
10:39 pm | November 24, 2003
lol to hornet. =)

'Nosolee, use that excellent Fan Fic noggin, cook me up sumthin worth postin, and I'm sure I can wrustle ya'll up a Squad. =)
6:54 pm | November 24, 2003
Oops, that last one was me.
6:51 pm | November 24, 2003
Hey, I've already said I'm lovin this series. I have just one small critique for you. Twice you used the same phrase almost back to back, early on with "lit up" and later with "one way or another." Just reword one of those redundant phrases and I got no problem at all with the series.
4:02 pm | November 24, 2003
Hey, uh, I don't see me here, like in the origional Series of Wierd Events. lol, good job
