
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Life Wrokin for HBO, Part Six'

CoLd BlooDed
8:26 pm | January 10, 2004
Shit....I've missed alot due to my computer fucking up...I'm at my friends currently...so don't say that I've gone away from HBO...I'll be back on this site shortly after we get a new harddrive....
12:47 pm | January 8, 2004

I take it that announcer had the six turned upside-down, right? Or was that just my handwriting? :P
12:24 pm | January 8, 2004
Life **WORKin** for HBO, not Wrokin, lol, the title is very important, if there's a typo in it, what does that do for the appearence of the actual story? You n00b, lol, j/k.
Alpha Lance
5:44 am | January 7, 2004
That's good, anyways, I came here a little before you did. Maybe three or four weeks before you, or two, I don't know.
4:14 am | January 7, 2004
Not at all, Alpha. You've been here as long or longer than I have.
2:51 am | January 7, 2004
Great story, I liked to reference to wrestling. Not because Im a big fan or nothing, I just though it was funny.

This gets an A from me.
2:44 am | January 7, 2004
there are newbs and n00bs and newbs who call n00bs new-bs

but i love em all
theyre so much fun
dumb and fun
anyways good job wit the story
Alpha Lance
2:08 am | January 7, 2004
Ha.... right on Walker, and I hope you don't consider me as an n00b. And nice going Hunter, Hawk vs. H_K. Sweet...
Agent Shade
3:11 am | January 6, 2004
2:08 am | January 6, 2004
oh my what has the world come to??
Agent Shade
11:57 pm | January 5, 2004
now there's versions of a nOOb/newb or w/e? my god....
11:10 pm | January 5, 2004
11:10 pm | January 5, 2004
We were not all once n00bs. Most of us were newbs, the less annoying version. A n00b is the one who charges into the midst of seasoned HBOers and acts as if he knows everything there is to know about Halo (pretty much impossible unless you work at Bungie) and that the old guys know nothing. Some ways to recognize these are if they call the Flood "flugg", spell "Master Chief" as "Master Chef" and call Captain Keyes "Capn' Keys".

Even if one is a newb and not a n00b, it's kinda a rite of passage for them to be picked on a bit at first. Not so much so that they never come back, but enough that they know who's the boss.

At least that's how it was done at the fanfic section of the Barrow Downs (an old LOTR site, don't ask). It worked good. Told the new blood what was expected of them: good, solid work.

But, whatever. Just as long as you know when they say n00b, they usually don't mean just new, they mean an idiot.

Semper Fi


PS: Good story, H_K. My next ASOWE 2 chapter will be in fairly soon.
10:16 pm | January 5, 2004
Drat...but okay, man. Get it as fast as you can. Your works are worth the wait.
Agent Shade
10:09 pm | January 5, 2004
with school starting and exams coming, i'm not writing at all man.....i got all your e-mails....all i can say is, i'll try, but no promises....
10:00 pm | January 5, 2004
Shade, have you begun work on our *Ahem* joint project?
Agent Shade
8:03 pm | January 5, 2004
Hawk7886, not Hawk7889. Workin, not Wrokin....i didn't know HBO was a continent.....i still don't see a point in this story...

i'm also going to take a stand and defend nOObs....i like nOObs...they are very friendly people, who only want to play the game and not get tormented and made fun of by other people....we were all nOObs once, and i dunno about everyone here, but all i wanted to do when i play a game is have fun.....it's the good game players that i personally hate....people who think they are good, and maybe they are, brag and brag about it, and then they start yelling insults to people....pointless insults i should add.....sure, it's annoying when a nOOb does something stupid, like shoot his own player, or shoot a wall, but at least they take the time to apologize about it and do their best to fix the problem....

i'm wasting comment space, so i'm sorry, but god damnit, it's starting to get annoying how we all pick on nOObs.....
7:43 pm | January 5, 2004
Nice. A litte, "imperious", but I won't fault you for that. BTW, I sent you my next ASOWE part. Did you get it?
