
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Have Design, Will Build'

12:52 am | October 22, 2002
i liked this little intro or whatever you want to call it. there are so many action stories going on now, its kind of a relief to see someone focusing more on development of new weapons and stuff like that. keep it up.
2:08 pm | October 20, 2002
i like it i will look for your stories in the future
1:41 am | October 20, 2002
just needs action, and I'm sure the next part (if there is a next part) will be promising.
3:41 pm | October 19, 2002
I didn't like this story, it sucked on ice.
2:49 am | October 19, 2002
Good concept, just keep this new weapon real ( then again, what is real?) look forward to reading about it.
9:43 pm | October 18, 2002
Kinda sorta like mad jackal's story.
5:38 pm | October 18, 2002
Oh yeah remember to capitalize when needed you missed a few. Anyway good job.
5:36 pm | October 18, 2002
Hey this is a nice start, hope to see more from you soon. I'd leave you more indepth stuff but I'm too lazy now maybe in a while.
