
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Pyramid (a comedy) CHAPTER ONE!!!'

The Huntress
10:23 pm | June 21, 2004
it had a few funny parts, but after a while it got confusing....next time make the whole thing make not so much sense, and put comedy through out the whole thing, and then it will be labled a comedy! kind of like the one "an old lady" wrote. ;)
white grunt
9:29 pm | June 3, 2004
its was ok and funny,but ok
white grunt
9:29 pm | June 3, 2004
it was ok and funny.
Slayer Boi
9:29 am | June 2, 2004
Ok it was something that can lighten my mood, even on a bad day. Congrats.
P.S. I finally did my Half yearly it was so Damned Easy!!!!! i still have maths & English though... crap
12:27 am | May 31, 2004
Most of this stuff is being nice Frost. They just say it isn't really something you should label a comedy. It had funny parts, but it just isn't enough to be a comedy. They never said it was a bad story.
Frost Bite
10:30 pm | May 30, 2004
What... the... heck... my head hurts now. A LITTLE congeneality to the story please.
CoLd BlooDed
8:33 pm | May 30, 2004
Worth a read. Clever in parts, but not worthy of being titled a Comedy.
3:18 pm | May 30, 2004
Hey this was alright! Quite funny!
Also can everyone check out
reconnaissance and the new through
the eyes of a grunt part.
Peace out!
2:13 pm | May 30, 2004
Not a bad piece of comic relief, not bad at all. Too short, a little hard to follow, and a couple of simple typos. A bit cheesy, but I liked it. As Nick put it, it was clever. Nice job.
Nick Kang
11:58 am | May 30, 2004
Lol! This story was pretty clever. Can I get a root beer with that? lol. Not the funniest on here, but still worth the read.

a guy
11:15 am | May 30, 2004
it was ok. i mean the coolant thing was pretty funny but nothing else was really that funny. exept the flood killing themselves becaause of a poker dissagreemnet and how the sentinals killed the exeddingly annoying moniter of the pyrimid. so they shot a small squrrials and other fuzzy animals. LOL! you should stick to one big funny story though instead of small not-very-funny stories thogh.
