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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Don't Look Here! Get out before it is too late! No!!!'

Big Kitty
10:37 pm | March 28, 2004
A Halo story Stephen King style, I like it
3:34 pm | March 28, 2004
I have posted the new story, it is called Insanity. If anyone does not want to wait until HBO posts the new fanfics, just email me at
2:54 pm | March 28, 2004
For Lord Spark especially, I am working on a new and improved version of this tale, if you have any suggestions, please post it on this comments section, i'll probably work them into the story somehow
9:02 pm | March 26, 2004
Oh, yeah, I didn't mean to leave you out, Wado :P
11:17 am | March 25, 2004
Hey MadJackle, don't forget Wado's Dark Halo stories....
4:48 am | March 25, 2004
Whoa, that was very good! Strange, even slightly disturbing, but still good. What the others said was true, your story IS something different. Occasionally, it's good to read some alternative material around here, and I think that this one (and Walker's Skull story) are some of the best written of the...different ones. Good job, keep it up.
Snake Solid 117
6:40 pm | March 22, 2004
A.P.N JJiggssaw
1:21 pm | March 22, 2004
Brilliant. Fabulous. I LOVED it. Fan fiction desperately needs some alternative material, and you have supplied some. Keep it just the way it is.
12:45 pm | March 22, 2004
i'm confused... and i want my blanky
12:29 pm | March 22, 2004
haha.. that was cool... and really.. weird...
Lord Spark
1:57 am | March 22, 2004
Wow! That was some straight up insane sh-t! That would really suck to be tortured for millions of years. You should redo this one, but only go into more detail about whats going on and why this is hapening, and make it longer. Please? If only for me.
Lord Spark
1:57 am | March 22, 2004
Wow! That was some straight up insane sh-t! That would really suck to be tortured for millions years. You should redo this one, but only go into more detail about whats going on and why this is happening, and make it longer. Please? If only for me.
11:15 pm | March 21, 2004
Some guy
11:10 pm | March 21, 2004
Hah hah his name is Sadomee
10:54 pm | March 21, 2004
that was too nuts for most ppl here man
lotta readers prolly arent even in HS yet
i think
8:24 pm | March 21, 2004
Woah. Freaky. That's like Stephen King sh*t right there. Original, well-written, but confusing and slightly disturbing.
8:15 pm | March 21, 2004
4:09 pm | March 21, 2004
judging by the lack of response, i have to agree with the other guys
Thomas Harper
12:54 pm | March 21, 2004
VERY UNUSUAL.... um.... dont use that title next time not a good idea....
6:15 am | March 21, 2004
Your title scared me away.
