
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Hope: Prologue'

1:44 am | June 17, 2004
nice tombstone like story, but u cna do better

put some boom into it
9:38 pm | June 15, 2004
i like cock
3:05 pm | June 15, 2004
This was short, real short. I´m not going to rate this story before something actually happens here.

And i agree with MCC.
11:38 am | June 15, 2004
oh yea, to the author proof read, lots of mistakes. and the code of course, i see where u were going with it. And that dude giving the speech wouldn't be the president of the UNSC just the UN. I wouldn't call the battle of Reach a massacre because even though humanity got its collective ass kicked, we did destroy a lot of their ships. Now the first encounter at Sol, that would be a massacre. Didn't even get a chance to fight back.

11:36 am | June 15, 2004
Sorry i'm a grown ass man and i will not use the word blam


fuck that
1:14 am | June 15, 2004
Cussing in fan fics is fine, if it's done responsibly. There's no need for 800 cuss words in a paragraph.
MC's Cousin
12:23 am | June 15, 2004
Not to sound too harsh. Writing these kinds of things is ok. But I have said it many times and will say it again. When writing on already established territory, you have to write it well to make it worth reading. If you include a self-conceived story-bit, or something like that, then it can make it that mcuh better.
And like Helljumper said, proofreading would have made it better.

Signing Off

Solidus Snake
10:55 pm | June 14, 2004
Oh, another golden rule about cussing, use it if you know how to use it, lol.
MC's Cousin
4:26 pm | June 14, 2004
Agreed Main.

I will admit that I really didn't even bother to read that. Your story is wrong, leaves out certain things and doesn't even consider others.
Oh, and I have a superb idea. How 'bout, instead of reading sketchy stuff like this, we just go and read the books that Eric Nylund has written for us?!
They explain all you really need to know. And if you want to know more, you can go to plenty of places [like the HSP] to find out what other people think about the Halo-verse.

3:25 pm | June 14, 2004
The golden rule of cussing in fan-fics: Don't do it as much as possible.
Solidus Snake
3:14 pm | June 14, 2004
Oh yeah... we're not going to e-mail you if your too lazy to get your ass on here to see your commment. Sorry, have a nice day.
Solidus Snake
3:09 pm | June 14, 2004
Whats wrong with the swearing? F***, F***in, that just makes that word look bad. I hate edited stuff like music that has the cuss words blip out or something. It messes up the song. But I do like the -blam!-. What the -blam!-, get the -blam!- out of my -blam!- face you -blam!- -blam!- piece of -blam!- on the ground. Lol
343 Salty Beans
4:55 am | June 14, 2004
As for the author's note, I hope you realize that we can just post in here instead of emailing you, because you should know that everyone here (except Louis and the crew) is probably way too lazy to actually do it.

As for the story, Snake was right, it was pretty short.

The speech was reminiscent of Winston Churchill, minus the swearing.

Mind you, about the swearing...

For the f***s, try using the traditional Bungie
-blam!- to describe them.

Solidus Snake
8:06 pm | June 13, 2004
That was too short for me.
