
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'the reach for victory'

7:09 pm | November 29, 2003
Oh... I dont get anything! I cant make a speech about the content, I gave up a little bit too quick. Seriously, learn the names and use normal punctuation, together with some spaces in the block of text and you'll get some readers
4:14 am | November 28, 2003
The story didn't even finish loading before I gave up on decrypting it.

4:14 am | November 28, 2003
Alright, it's finished loading.

Nope. Still makes no sense at all. Why?

1. Cortaner
2. longsowrd
3. Hasley
CoLd BlooDed
3:20 am | November 28, 2003
Its not Cortaner, maybe if you played the game you'd know it was Cortana.
CoLd BlooDed
1:29 am | November 28, 2003
I don't find this story that great. In fact i didn't like it at all. You should use the code, make paragraphs, include some better grammar and there were too many spelling mistakes for me to say this was a good story. Oh yes, you should also have capitals on the words in the title. 3/10.
