
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Destiny Chapter 2'

11:09 am | June 20, 2004
1:30 am | June 19, 2004
Thanks for the support. I thought I had fixed a few of those things you pointed out, but i guess not. I'll read over my next few chapters closely. Thanks again!

343 Salty Beans
12:14 am | June 19, 2004
I enjoyed this one A LOT, especially the detail you put into the base defenses. 'Shoot down a pigeon flying at 3000 feet'? Great detail.

I think you meant rec room, not wreck room, though. You also missed a few words. 'the sergeant didn't really completely safe' isn't exactly correct. Also, you switched between singular and plural verbs in the sentence after that: 'The Covenant were (plural) a deadly enemy, not one (singular) to be taken lightly.'

Also, there were I think 4 punctuation errors.

Other than that, the story was really good! Keep it up!


PS: Don't be wierded out by the way I point out everything that is wrong. I have a tendency to look at everything that is wrong.
6:50 pm | June 18, 2004
Thanks! That's nice to hear!
Solidus Snake
6:39 pm | June 18, 2004
Wow, I do like this series, something I have to stay with to the end. I find you to be a very skilled writer. Keep up the great work!
3:59 pm | June 18, 2004
Damn, i messed up the submition form and this isn't put under my series. That's o.k. though, i resubmitted it along with the third chapter. It gets alot more exciting later on, so keep reading!

