
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Ascendant Part VI'

k p
4:39 pm | July 15, 2002
kmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhgu forgetb this this is to see something
brigad of marines
4:39 pm | July 15, 2002
try to get better at close quters battle. What battle area do you play? What weapon does he use at close quaters battle? Shotguns? I could tell you how. Its not that hard. Usually just use p. grenades IF you have some OR have unlimited grenades. Nice story one of the only series I will read. The other is Rise to Honor and what will make any story better is use of ships, fighter aircraft, computer tehnolagy, EMP(Electro Magnetic Pulse) (for your electric enemy and downing of sheilds), new weapons, morters, etc.
Brigad of Marines
4:39 pm | July 15, 2002
bad close quaters. battle good sniper. bad mix. undefeted at both as long as you have no vehicle or unlimited grenades but still I win every time.
2:54 pm | July 14, 2002
Right, whatever.
Archangels Blade
6:03 pm | July 11, 2002
I don't curse for no reason, Sarge. Don't worry. Im not the kinda guy who uses "fuck" as punctuation, or a whole sentance on its own, for that matter. Brigad of Marines, i think we'd better have a talk sometime. Yeah, i read the Halo Saga, and i liked it. Im okay at HALO, but since the game's at my friends house, he kinda wastes me at close quarters combat. Im a good sniper, though. Knightmare, im not THAT easily offended, and your post was kinda uplifting. Thanks, and don't worry about pissing me off. I fight back. Thanks all for the feedback, for the ideas, and for the little talks we all have going on.
10:44 pm | July 10, 2002
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
10:28 pm | July 10, 2002
Father Sarge has a nice ring to it...a good story accept for CURSING.
10:28 pm | July 10, 2002
Father Sarge has a nice ring to it...a good story accept for CURSING.
10:28 pm | July 10, 2002
Father Sarge has a nice ring to it...a good story accept for CURSING.
10:28 pm | July 10, 2002
Father Sarge has a nice ring to it...a good story accept for CURSING.
10:28 pm | July 10, 2002
Father Sarge has a nice ring to it...a good story accept for CURSING.
Knightmare Wolf
7:35 pm | July 10, 2002
uhh.. I can. Me and my friends do it all the time for no apparent reason and we laugh our @$$es off! :)
12:36 pm | July 10, 2002
Well there aint to much going on right now as far as the story and such but your grammar and punctuation has improved. On a side note I DONT THINK CURSING ADDS TO YOUR STORY. If you read my story it has no curse words but it is still as good as any other story. Its your choice but cursing for no reason is pointless. I can understand a guy cursing if he gets shot nbut just cursing for fun come on. LOL ok im done preaching to you now.
Brigad of Marines
1:10 am | July 10, 2002
have you read the halo saga its real good but all of them are one story
Brigad of Marines
1:10 am | July 10, 2002
good series. i just want to know how good are you at halo oh and you have a reputaion i can see. with some good "Friends?"( not meaning bad but good and i put it in quotaion marks cuz i didn't know if they where.)
Brigad of Marines
1:48 pm | July 9, 2002
My mom doesn't like me to use e-mail also the e-mail thing i have sucks: you can't send or recieve mail. why? no clue. if you have yahoo perhaps i can e-mail you. If not just leave ideas here Arch. ask your friends for ideas. And my friend said he was sorry.( stroy: The Light Brigad)
11:56 am | July 9, 2002
this didn't exactly put me into a stuck on type of thing like the others but it moves the story along. Maybe the covenant should get onto the ship and they get past the marines and the Spartans aren't able to get their AI's but they are the closest so they have to hold off the covenant invasion and one by one a spartan leaves to get his AI while the rest give him/her time and they do that until all the spartans have their AI's. just an idea. good one too if you ask me. But don't revolve the story around my idea cause it'll make it bad cause everyone will know what happened.
Archangels Blade
11:04 am | July 9, 2002
Ok, so it's different! So what? It works, doesn't it? I think it worked out just fine!
12:23 am | July 9, 2002
I mean cheesy.
12:21 am | July 9, 2002
It sounds chessy, I know, but think about it man!
Knightmare Wolf
12:21 am | July 9, 2002
sorry that sounded harsh it was intended to be a complement with a lot of humor... That was... Evil, sinister, kill Arch sounding.
12:14 am | July 9, 2002
I have an idea. There's a support beam hanging overhead. The cable to activate it is near a Hunter. Mike flips the switch and CRUNCH! A good story.
Archangels Blade
12:03 am | July 9, 2002
Yeah, well, it works, doesn't it? By the by, about the Covenant on the ship thing. So far, i have good old Mike trapped in a corridor with a couple of hunters pinning him down behind steel baricades. He doesn't have a gun, so he must rely on his wits. And if you wanna give me ideas, email me sometime, man! It helps a lot!
12:00 am | July 9, 2002
improvement in the grammer also and the time wasn't wasted plus the spartan must've been pretty smart to put that disk in cause a marine wouldn't have done that. He'd probobly send it back cause it didn't have any writing.
Knightmare Wolf
9:45 pm | July 8, 2002
Err.. Ok. Your grammar is better than in your other stories, great job on the creativity in the last part and in this one, maybe one or two small errors, descrition wasnt horrible nor was it amazingly kick ass, good story, I can see definate improvement, that long time you took wasnt wasted!Great, excellent neat, super-duper piece of awesomely awe inspiring improvement. lol.
