
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Horde: Prologue'

11:35 am | October 7, 2003
Listen to wound it's good advice.
4:37 am | October 7, 2003
Jeez, critics, try not to be such dickheads when commenting. Dispite the MINOR ERRORS, the story has potential. The Spartan Nineteen upgrades sound a little farfetched, but it sounds like he is building up to a huge battle. I just hope it delivers.

5:15 pm | October 6, 2003
good lord Awesomedudeman! read "The Fall of Reach" before attempting something like that! i didn't even read more than the first paragraph, because the plot is wierd and the Elites name is wrong. They generally have names like "Pura 'Kuradamee" or "Ruka 'Rulanamee" or something like that. anyway, i'll try reading the whole thing later, dicklick.
