
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'ROUND-THINGIE: The Second part to the sequel of the first ROUND-THINGIE'

1:46 am | May 6, 2004
5:19 am | October 26, 2003
i now its like really late to be writing in this but oh, just heard of it. no im not an impersonater, i dont even own an x-box. im being honest,i havent even seen a grpahic of halo, but oh well. hehehhhe. well, i thought i would write in this for fun!!! I LOVE YOU MATT!!! shhhh, hes my boyfriend!!!! shhh, keep that between you and me, mkay? k! thanx
8:23 pm | February 9, 2003
Blast, foiled again! I knew the betty thing was too obvious...
11:33 pm | February 5, 2003
Viper I should've known...
2:53 am | February 5, 2003
Its suppost to confuse idiots like you.

And from now on i shall be known as betty.
10:48 pm | February 4, 2003
oh yeah and is Kravitz
8:46 pm | February 4, 2003
Okay is this suppose to make me laugh or snore?
12:02 pm | February 4, 2003
holy crap that so damn funny keep it up.
3:40 am | February 4, 2003
lol This is one of the best comedies I've ever read. My sanity is now quite questionable but that's ok; it always was.
8:19 pm | February 2, 2003
good work on the comedy...heh I made the same exact lesser fan fiction joke against this writer Jaywhit, because he never wrote who said anything. Yup I made that joke about 2 months ago...anyway, im losing my sanity(if i ever had any to start with). keep going at it.
8:03 pm | February 2, 2003
I thought you guys might.
7:57 pm | February 2, 2003
funny as hell,
i loved the Interactive Story part
