
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Unforgiven'

8:57 pm | November 10, 2003
I got caught up in school and so did Havok, we talked about finishing it, but decided not to...at least for now anyway.
4:18 pm | November 9, 2003
Oh, duh, read the comments, Jink...jeez.
4:16 pm | November 9, 2003
I have one question:

What ever happened to the Forgotten Forefathers or Forsaken Forefathers (I can't remember, I think it was Forsaken) series? I liked it, and I don't remember it ever ending. What happened?
5:44 pm | November 8, 2003
I know Havok, haven't seen him in a while, but I seen him around some.
4:32 pm | November 8, 2003
I used to post in here a long time ago, I don't think anyone who used to post with me is still here. Look in my link for more stories my this author to read some of my other work. I also co-wrote the Forsaken Forefathers series with a guy named Havok.
12:31 pm | November 8, 2003
Excellent, Excellent.

You used the code!

You had a great story goin, and I hate Foley.

Keep it up.

Is this part of a series?

I'm thinkin it is.
8:48 am | November 8, 2003
Wow, someone with a bit of talent.

Okay, good, you can write, but stick a plot twist in fast or it'll fester into martial rubbish.

Try to make your first chapter an engaging one, I know you had action in their, and some good descriptions of what was happening, but your style is a bit journalistic. Make some really drawing descriptions on the characters and what they are thinking, things which a reader doesn't need to put too much effort in to visualise, but can instantly associate with. It willk make the story more real.

Good, I hope this turns into something interesting!
