
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Redesignation 2 of 2'

2:42 am | February 10, 2004
A sequel, a sequel...I can see it now:

Take the universes' unluckiest Spartan...

Drop in a neurotic SpecOps Elite...

And a Jackal addicted to Human Beer (with the expected result)...

Add a dash of Hunter who'd rather be a Guidance Counselor...

...And his Flood-infected Bond-Brother...

And put them all inside a hijacked Ship commandeered by Engineers and Grunts...

Oh yeah. Potential.
CoLd BlooDed
3:58 am | February 9, 2004
I found this one much funnier than the last, great job, looks like we have some comedy competition...

I'm actually surprised I laughed out loud.
Spartan III
6:42 am | February 7, 2004
One of the best I've read. You can't help but like Jeremiah, who just takes what life gives him with a smile, and a joke.

6:45 pm | February 6, 2004
Hmmm...yes very good...better than your last one. The dream sequences weren't as rough. Interesting storyline...write more. The bible/jonah symbolism was good. You should write more (maybe even professionally) unless you already are.

P.S. Write a Sequel
3:47 am | February 5, 2004
This can't get any better..... wait yes it can WRITE MORE!! you must do more this is the best ever.... to funny.... and to warbow, Towel Day will live on!!!!!!!!!!
10:34 pm | February 4, 2004
too frickin pimp
too pimp
9:24 pm | February 4, 2004
Yay! So funny!

DO MORE!!!!!!!
2:50 pm | February 4, 2004
Okay, I liked this one much, much more. I'd go so far to say that I truly loved this one. It read better and poor, poor Jonah. While I never agreed with humour being someone else's misfortune, I have to say it works soooo well here. And irony is man's best friend, something you obviously know :D The last line, well that's a classic. Almost as good as Percy's "The war is over! 19xx - 19xx" (I don't remember the dates). Anyway I'm going to stop babbling now. I have to do something to regain my status as the Brit Writer on HBO . . . *mutters incoherently* ;)
5:37 am | February 4, 2004
God that was a good one. I was laughing the whole time. Nice work...I would say that he was jinxed majorly
5:26 am | February 4, 2004
Hawk7886: "I thought the Spartans only weighed a half-ton while in their armor..."

...I think they beefed up the armor to minimize damage from any 'accidents' when within 100 meters of 012. :p
Red Loser
3:00 am | February 4, 2004
"...Which left a seasoned instructor only able to get as far as the little piggy eating roast beef on his left foot."

Heh heh heh
Capo Rip
2:48 am | February 4, 2004
That was great! Please write more!
1:36 am | February 4, 2004
I thought the Spartans only weighed a half-ton while in their armor. . .
10:03 pm | February 3, 2004
Soooo funny! Lol
9:54 pm | February 3, 2004
You've been reading Douglas Adams haven't you?
