
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Marooned - Chapter 14'

Steve Ollett
12:05 pm | April 23, 2004
Thanks guys... I think I finally rewrote it in a form that I liked and then the Fanfic site went down the day I was going to submit it!

I will finish the story - I've invested enough time and effort into it so far.

One of the problems has been big work demands, plus some writers' block, but hopefully I'm past that now.

Thanks for your support, and I will read your story FOrunnER.
Agent Shade
1:14 am | April 23, 2004
college exams are over in a week...maybe i'll get some writing done afterwards...till then, i'm stuck here, studying...sorry to spam Steve
7:55 pm | April 22, 2004
Oh, and could you please read my story, Unstable Territory
7:53 pm | April 22, 2004
Where you've been, I was starting to think you weren't going to finish this. Good story, paticularly I liked the really detailed descriptions of the Forerunner architecture, it gave really good sense of where they were.
7:05 pm | April 22, 2004
Ah simply some of the best so far Steve. Keep them comming and a little faster if you can.

Shade man for shame... telling Steve 'bout time, where are the next chapters to Shadow Ops?
Agent Shade
6:20 pm | April 22, 2004
'bout time...worth the wait though. well detailed paragraphs, excellent spelling, keep it up
4:19 pm | April 22, 2004
I really like this series--it reads like a good suspense/sci-fi book. Very well written compared to some other fan fic here on this site. Keep it up!
1:39 pm | April 22, 2004
Finally, good chapter. Keep them coming, I'm enjoying it. :)
