
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 6 New Orders'

12:35 pm | March 19, 2003
Hmmm.... I had no idea you had a series... Well, I read through this one and found that there isn't anythingin particular to complain about... I am pretty sure I must have seen a few typoes like the tehs, ots, and adns, but that's about it... Better than most of the crap that gets posted here now, so keep up the good work.
1:41 am | March 18, 2003
Grammer improvement Steele your one to talk.
10:43 pm | March 15, 2003
Definite Grammar improvement. I understood what each character said in this one. Keep up the good work!
10:32 pm | March 15, 2003
Good story, keep at it! :)
