
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Plague Part 2'

9:30 pm | October 3, 2003
I'm not a suckbaby you motherfucker you can suck my ass goddamn what the hell is your problem where the hell did that come from? Damn fuck off fag.
12:20 am | September 29, 2003
I usually get to complain about grammar, spelling, indenting, everything, but it seems as if this time I get to complain about the plot. This is a first, because generally I let people write whatever they like, and I am fine with your plot about the virus. However, I am not happy that your readers found lots of errors... You need to think things through to make sure things like that don't happen.

Also, you need to stop being suck a baby about your comments. It seems like in most of your things you get one or two tens of tens, then someone says something bad about your fanfic, then you get mad at them and tell them to suck your ass, then three or four more say the same thing and you rpromise to fix it. Don't be such a baby.
9:23 pm | September 28, 2003
Very interesting. I'm curious on how ONI is giong to continue their project even though it's illegal.
9:12 pm | September 27, 2003
I guess Nosliw is a veteran as well, seing as how Rasgaw was a 12 unit veteran, and Nosliw had been 12 units into his mission....their the same experience...

Just pointing that out.

And also, I really doubt they would have a watch, at least name it something else, I just get the Disney Lion King watch in my head when I think of a grunt wearing a time piece.
8:36 pm | September 27, 2003
No I don't remember you who the hell are? Anyways thanks for the comments any more? This will be a short fanfic. Now is it just me or has the virus lost its rytheme and is it getting old?
guy over there who smiles just a biiiit too wide
2:54 am | September 27, 2003
hi monitor 101, remember me? anyway i like the story. but its a bit hard to think of a general saying "Yah", Ishkabibbl had it right there. anyway pretty damned shiny work. and hardly any spelling mistakes or typo's, different from heaps of other fan fics i could mention. keep up the shiny work.

that guy over there who smiles just a biiiit too wide
2:18 am | September 27, 2003
a wee bit hard to think of a general saying "Yah"
