
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2 Fight For Earth: Home Today, Gone Tomorrow'

3:47 am | January 16, 2004
Hawk7886 - You were simply trying to help, and it seems these people took it the wrong way, it shows how imature they are, but then again perhaps you could of phrased things differently.

HunterKiller - Great Story, Quite a few typos, but I loved it none the less.

Walker - That is very true, people seem to lose all incoherent thought as they spew forth their anger like a bunch of babeling retards.

monitor101 & Agent Shade - I had some respect for you all, before you all started getting violent, and begun wasting your times spreading pure idiocy via your lame ass insults, and I even noticed some of you critisizing others for they're spelling when YOU Yourself were making some AMAZING spelling mistakes.

Everyone who wasted their time in this hostile comment page - Please, Just show a little more maturity next time.
11:59 pm | January 2, 2004
Has anyone ever noticed that when someone gets really riled up to the point where they let out a long stream of profanity, that it severely hinders their ability to be fluent in the English language? I mean, the more cussing, it seems the less correct grammar, punctuation, etc. Just a thought for this ancient place.

Semper Fi

7:42 pm | August 9, 2003
I'm not going to post the next part until this bullshit stops
11:58 am | August 9, 2003
11:27 am | August 9, 2003
ok then:) sorry 4 all that stuff i've said
1:06 am | August 7, 2003
Ya crashedwarthog let's please stop fighting I don't want anymore trouble.
12:59 am | August 7, 2003
OK people that is everyone on this comment board, why don't we all just calm down and stop yelling at eachother it's not helping anything when we yell like this, I admit my mistakes in writing the post but alas let us all sit down at our computer desks and write long long long apologies.
6:05 pm | August 6, 2003
Back the fuck off everyone fuck you shade fuck you to hell.
6:05 pm | August 6, 2003
I would make peace but shade wouldn't I guess. We're fucking united halo freaks for the love of god. All I'm doing is defending myself at all costs.
3:18 pm | August 6, 2003
lets all make a peace treaty
11:20 am | August 6, 2003
ya lets stop fighting
10:42 am | August 6, 2003
monitor101 ur a dick. no wait i think "grow" a dick is more appropriate hehehe. funny how hunterkillers' story has become a mock-fest between shade 'n dickhead...i mean monitor. Anyway hunterkiller, that was a pretty good story. u reckon we should stop fightin now? It's gettin a bit pointless
Agent Shade
2:22 am | August 6, 2003
thank you my amigos, i apprecaite your help, monitor is just a pointless fool who has a pointless life

and in case you didn't know mr. monitor, douche bag is the process of cleaning out blood and other (we'll say "bad stuff") out of a women's vagina...by me calling you a douche bag, i'm calling you the shit up in a women's clit, you dumbass

also, there are no videos of cortana in some porno film, unless you're telling us something we should know monitor HAHAHAHAHAHAH

(thanks guys)
Alpha Lance
1:39 am | August 6, 2003
Back off monitor,assclown.
1:39 am | August 6, 2003
Im gonna have to be on Shades team and opinion on this. Monitor just shut up plz. Everything you have said is either been pointless or dosent make any sence. And another thing you cant take a team with me and shade on it, its just not possible.
1:24 am | August 6, 2003
i hope
1:24 am | August 6, 2003
i hope
1:24 am | August 6, 2003
i hope
1:23 am | August 6, 2003
ya we can be on agent shades team
1:23 am | August 6, 2003
ya we can be on agent shades team
1:19 am | August 6, 2003
im ben
1:17 am | August 6, 2003
ben told me that shade is kewl so monitor if ur so fuckn pissed why dont u fight him and get ur ass kicked
1:12 am | August 6, 2003
hey konor
1:08 am | August 6, 2003
hey ben(pooman) if i get a xbox im gonna get halo 2 and xbox live . itd b so kewl to hava clan and wip ass
1:06 am | August 6, 2003
hey monitor, stop throwin insults at shade, ur being a dick.
1:03 am | August 6, 2003
Oh yah shade pece is impossible never tell me what to do you pile of pussy shit.
12:52 am | August 6, 2003
Come on where you going you fucking piece of cow shit huh? Ya going to jack off your little prick while watching a video of Cortana. For one shade you are a pussy and you are what you can'r get I'm not going to the offensive over your first comment. Shade your not cool by the way you talk I say your a fag in your school whos never a had a girl friend. Is "Douche bag" supposed to be an insult if so it sucks dick like you. And you say that you can your going to dig my fucking skull into the ground bullshit you little cocksucking motherfucker I'll throw insults wherever the hell I want to you piece of shit. Hey look everybody a cocksucking queer is trying to look cool lol your hilarious shade its funny to watch you try to be intimidating. Go jam a dildo up your ass you little fag.
12:39 am | August 6, 2003
im sorry hawk for all that crapp i said
Alpha Lance
8:38 pm | August 5, 2003
Halo 2 comes out sometime in January 2004.They
move it from December to January.
6:30 pm | August 5, 2003
So hawk ill take that as a no in the match? Too bad it would have been so good to kill u.
Agent Shade
6:23 pm | August 5, 2003
"Hey is your name shade because you are sexually shaded as in your a gay homo."

this made no sense whatsoever, you are truly pathetic monitor. call me whatever you want you lousy douche bag, i don't care, you are yelling at me over a stupid comment i made about having "peace" in the comments section...the more you yell at people trying to help the author improve their writing, the more people at HBO will shut down Fan Fiction and you Monitor101 will be responsible for it...go on, keep calling me pointless and useless insults, it just makes things worse...

And when Halo 2 comes out, Hawk and I are going to dig your fucking skull into the ground with our feet, because we are better and smarter than you, you little dipshit

and now, i finish off by saying good riddance and LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
5:15 pm | August 5, 2003
Hey I'm pissed cause I'm blazed!
5:11 pm | August 5, 2003
Hey shade do I give a shit if they have no effect uummmm no. Hey is your name shade because you are sexually shaded as in your a gay homo. And who gives a shit if their spelled wrong its comments you dumshit motherfucker.
4:30 pm | August 5, 2003
so is a assault rifle and pistol
Alpha Lance
4:10 pm | August 5, 2003
Shotguns and Plasma Rifle is a perfect combination
of kickass glory.
3:54 pm | August 5, 2003
3:57 am | August 5, 2003
Agent Shade as much as I would love to play, I can only do LANs since I don't have a tunneling system set up like XBConnect. I would love to take you up on your challenge when Halo 2 comes out, though. You are right, when people throw insults at me all I do is laugh.

I'm done poinlessly flaming you two idiots just so you know. By the way I only play Pistols only, 50% health, no shields. That means no Needler or Sniper Rifle so you camping bastards can't set up a sniping point. All vehicles in small two-on-two matches, no vehicles on larger battles. Only large maps like Blood Gulch or Sidewinder, the smaller maps tend to take out the tactlessness in players. Limited grenades for the same reason.
12:48 am | August 5, 2003
ya........ but i prefer the Assult Rifle
8:47 pm | August 4, 2003
But, If you know what you're doing, it can be pretty handy
7:53 pm | August 4, 2003
the needler is way to easy to dodge and it has very little ammo and its melle attack must hurt but it takes 2 long to hit em'
6:18 pm | August 4, 2003
To moniter101: What's wrong with the Needler?
6:12 pm | August 4, 2003
How about we do a free-for-all so I can kick all ya'll's asses with my Shotgun/Plasma Rifle or Sniper combo?!
5:38 pm | August 4, 2003
lol alpha lance, well look on the bright side agent shade, at least u can drive i have 3 more years untill i can :)
Alpha Lance
3:30 pm | August 4, 2003
Ah...ignore my last comment,I have no idea what I was talkin about.
Alpha Lance
4:24 am | August 4, 2003
I won't to join the Halo shoot'em fight.Because
I'm looking for a fight,and a fist fight,so bring
it on!
Agent Shade
12:38 am | August 4, 2003
nothing man, don't have enough money, i use my dad's dodge caravan and my mom's sebring
12:27 am | August 4, 2003
soooooooooooo....... agent shade, what kinda car u got?
12:11 am | August 4, 2003
hey shade
Agent Shade
12:09 am | August 4, 2003
i'm 16 and also a demolition/sniper expert of my clan "Shadow Spartans"

we are a clan of three, plus Hawk, that makes four, unless Hawk doens't play, we will still play, hope to see you all out on the battlefield

"say hello to my little friend (Jackhammer)"

"Boom baby!"
12:07 am | August 4, 2003
probally out of college
12:05 am | August 4, 2003
how old is agent shade?
Agent Shade
12:00 am | August 4, 2003
wow monitor, you realize that calling me names like that and yelling insults at me has absolutely no effect whatsoever. Name calling or "burns" and "disses" as you people call me are completely pointless. All one has to do is ignore it. Now, raising your fists and slamming it into another's face, not THAT is effective. Lol, you also spelt a lot of those "insulting" words wrong anyway. I'm not a homosexual monitor and I'm also a lot more mature than you, because I don't scream pointless insults at people, when all their doing is trying to help the author...hahahaha, you suck man hahahahaha
10:33 pm | August 3, 2003
yay! we have a team of tennagers haha were gunna kick sum ass :)
10:17 pm | August 3, 2003
Oh yah hey Hawk I'm a little bitch when it comes to pistols and I'll join scopes team and gladly fuck you up you cow fucking asshole. You'll propably have a needler and like it you will try to attach your pink ass to me and explode in homosexual pleasure you sick fag!
A very very pissed off monitor101
10:08 pm | August 3, 2003
You faggot queer sonofabitch motherfucking peice of shit shade your a dumshit. Your damn right wrong total peace is damn impossible anywhere you can eat a dick you peace of shit. You wish for peace every day I bet you wish a cock to shoved up your ass you fag. Hey Hawk come on bring on you stupid motherfucking gay ass shithole. Is little bitch all that you can come up with and neandrathals your a very stupid mofo. Hey shade its not my fault when conflict arises we are gladly going to defend it so fucking back off you pig fucker!

10:08 pm | August 3, 2003
I'm only 13 going on 14 but damn I'm good at Halo not to brag!
6:00 pm | August 3, 2003
i also wanto play im awesom with the Assault Rifle (ill b on scopes team) the teenagers will prevail.
Agent Shade
4:39 pm | August 3, 2003
i wanna play too, i'm awesome in Halo (i'll be on Hawk's team)
4:01 pm | August 3, 2003
I know how to fuck you up hawk. I may be 14 but I am a GOD when it comes to playing HALO. I will gladly await for you to set a date and time so I can kick your upsecive ass online and fall over laughing as I see your head come of when my 14.5mm sniper bullet enters it. Now how would you feel about that. Shade, hunterkiller, and monitor may not be able to sick their hand up their computer and hit you over the head like they probaly want to but I can kick your ass in a whole different way.
3:57 pm | August 3, 2003
Hey im the only one thats supposed to say "so much love"
3:54 pm | August 3, 2003
Its ok shade u tried
4:28 am | August 3, 2003
LordofDestruction, If i'm such a cockroach, why can't you squish me? You are rambling on and on about the "Wrath of God" telling me to put my money where my mouth is when you have yet to show. Give me your best shot nancy boy. Come on, I'm waiting. So far all your attempts to phase me have ended in me laughing at you. You are nothing. You have shit. Monitor, come on, "fuck me up" you little bitch. Come on. I never said squat about peace, so don't start throwing that around. As for a competition, we can have HunterKiller write up a story, and I will bet my silence I can find more errors and plot holes than you can.
Agent Shade
3:38 am | August 3, 2003
oh and monitor101, my mom doesn't say "violence never solves anything" instead, she uses violence to achieve obedience in my household, so don't fucking tell me peace is impossible, because i wish for it almost every fucking day
1:33 am | August 3, 2003
And to think this all started about parachutes. The wonders of mankind, once again, so much love.
1:30 am | August 3, 2003
Hawk7886, you filthy piece of shit. You should really think of putting your money where your mouth is. I've crushed cockroaches smarter than you, so you're just a smear on the frontpage to me.
Agent Shade
12:36 am | August 3, 2003
no, we can't have peace in the real world, but here in this stupid comments page, it's possible monitor, if people like you would stop yelling at Hawk when he's trying to help the author in his reading...sure, it doesn't look like it, but guess what, if you look carefully, he is, the advice he gives can help out anyone...sure, peace is impossible, but it is if you would stop yelling at people's commments and just make your own, then leave it, that's all you have to do...and that is what i am trying to enforce, otherwise, fan fiction could be taken away...this isn't my fault, this isn't Hawk's fault, it's your fault
10:35 pm | August 2, 2003
So anyways lets stick to the point here storys and Halo!
10:23 pm | August 2, 2003
Well Hawk little piss piece of shit bring it on I will gladly fuck you up. For one I simpley am defending Hunterkillers story like him. agent Shade yes you have a point but I do not care about peace I will tell you what I mean I am not a nature peace loving freak. Conflict is everywhere we cannot avoid it you know how your mom always says violence doesn't solve anything when yet it actually does. Do you think that in the Halo world if humans put down their weapons and walked away and asked for peace do you think the Covenant would give a shit of crouse they don't. It gives them an opprotunity to attack and wipe out mankind. The war on Saddam Hussein's crooked reigm as well if we didn't go to war they they would still be amassing an armourment and try to attack we may have prevented a future attack and the same with the Taliban. Now I don't mean you any harm Shade and of crouse lets try a shot at peace but that will never happen not here at HBO fanfiction not anywhere I mean we are always very far from total and complete peace in the world its an impossible dream but lets try at least.
10:23 pm | August 2, 2003
Oh yah neandrathals or however you say it is really a gay come back nice job Hawk.
2:06 pm | August 2, 2003
srry bout that shady thing
Agent Shade
1:57 pm | August 2, 2003
shady? weird...(next Chapter of Project Shadow Spartan is in)
11:51 am | August 2, 2003
agent shade has a very good point, good going shady
8:09 am | August 2, 2003
LordofDestruction shut the Fuck up about your "Eternal Wrath of God" shit. I could care less if my stories bore you. I already posted an answer as to why I don't post fan fic, go find it and get away from me. As for the Wrath of God crap, bring it on nance boy, you don't have shit on me. HunterKiller, now that you posted your journal entry, I will leave the parachuting law thing alone, thank you. As for monitor101's comment, same thing for you as for Lord nancy boy. Thank you Agent Shade for the thoughtful post, you are absolutely right. Too bad those neanderthals don't understand it.
Alpha Lance
4:15 am | August 2, 2003
Are they in a Pelican?If so,sence when did it
carry bombs?Its a transport plan not a Longsword.
3:05 am | August 2, 2003
June 26, 2553
Dear Journal,

Today I have finished conquering the world and I have changed the rules regarding parachutes. the amazing thing is that it only took me 500 years to conquer the world.

your friend,
Agent Shade
3:03 am | August 2, 2003
i guess no one cares about what i just said...oh well, i tried, sorry guys...
2:40 am | August 2, 2003
2:38 am | August 2, 2003
I've been following you around on HBO Hawk and have noticed that you have not posted anything other than comments. I suggest you shut your festering gobutit before you make a real ass out of yourself. Your first Fanfic when or if it is posted, better blow me away or else I'm going to come down upon you like THE ETERNAL WRATH OF GOD.
Agent Shade
1:05 am | August 2, 2003
we all have different ways of commenting on stories...people like Hawk and Jamirus and Dispraiser are after detail and stuff like that, which is fine, because if anyone here becomes an author when they graduate from college or whatever, then detail is what they are going to need in their stories

people like scope, pooman, monitor, etc are just into the story itself, plot, action, not grammar or anything, at least, that's the way i see it

guys, we each have our own ways of commenting and i think we all need to respect that, even if it feels the person is going over the top, it's just what they do. if we keep on arguing like this, Loius and the others are bound to do something, so please, everyone just stop fighting and enjoy stories...comment on them how you like...

i'm done, in no way was i trying to offend anyone, peace
12:39 am | August 2, 2003
I 2ed that
12:09 am | August 2, 2003
10:15 pm | August 1, 2003
I will talk. Hawk shut the fuck up its 500 years in the damn future like he said you stupid mofo your stupid its a story not reality we read it to be enjoyed not tell how it compares to the modern world. And stop talking about the guys balls its fuckin sick. I've never sky dived and quite frankly I don't care about the sport.
3:48 pm | August 1, 2003
too much love
2:47 pm | August 1, 2003
Again so much love.....
11:22 am | August 1, 2003
So much love...
11:09 am | August 1, 2003
proffsionalss, lol thats funny
Agent Shade
4:28 am | August 1, 2003
man, why is everyone always fighting? it's a story, both of you stop! lol, Agent Shade has spoken
3:05 am | August 1, 2003
"You're lucky I don't reach throught the internet and whack upside the head."
This statement is just plain stupid. And yes, I am challenging you to try to at least phase me. As for the "get off my back part" I won't finish editing your story until you fix the errors. The "They" comment was just to prove you wrong, I know what you meant. No matter how many years it is, you have to explain it. "I have become supreme ruler of the world in 500 years, and I have changed the rules regarding parachutes" Trying to attack me isn't going to make me stop, unless you can prove me wrong. Which only Nick, Shishka, and Louis have done.
Agent Shade
2:36 am | August 1, 2003
s'all good hunter, i'm just trying to help you make your stories better. they're good naturally, but like everyone else, they need "tune ups"

10:46 pm | July 31, 2003
OK, sorry I was just defending my story. Why don't we all settle down and handle this like proffesionals.
10:44 pm | July 31, 2003
OK Honest mistake I didn't realize I talked about They not the Covenant. But only a dumbass wouldn't know who They are.
10:37 pm | July 31, 2003
Oh Hawk your forgettin something. this is 500 years in the future things can change in that amount of time. You're lucky I don't reach throught the internet and whack upside the head.
10:35 pm | July 31, 2003
Hawk Just shut up and get off my back!
10:35 pm | July 31, 2003
Hawk Just shut up and get off my back!
10:10 pm | July 31, 2003
In real life they don't give you parachutes! That was my comment! In order to legally use a paracute you need a liscense! You wrote about kids jumping! In real life, you wreck, and hopefully you survive; but you don't use parachutes! There was no covenant, you only made mention of a "They", no mention of "Covenant". I know how to skydive, I doubt you ever jumped. The straps don't hit your nads, they go around you legs TIGHTLY. The stewardess explains to you the use of Oxygen Masks, not parachutes.
8:47 pm | July 31, 2003
[toagentshade]I'll tey to be a little more descriptive next time. Sorry about it being a little short. I guess i'm just better at writing a big battle, ya know non stop carnage.
8:42 pm | July 31, 2003
[tohawk]For once in your life pay attention. UNSC wasn't the only reference in there, there was also the coivenant. And if you've ever gone sky diving before you'd know how it feels. Also on a passenger plane there are parachutes so that IF you start going down you can jump out. The stewardess explains it too you before you ever take off.
6:00 pm | July 31, 2003
What kind of plane were they in? If it were a Passenger plane, then it made no sense to give them parachutes, lest everyone in there were liscensed skydivers. I don't get the part where it nuts him, real chutes have straps that go tightly high up on your legs, farther up then the soft organs. If the leg straps weren't tight, it probably would have tightened the straps that go under the arms, so his "twins" still would of been safe. I guess it was ok, though the only link I saw to Halo was the "UNSC" part. 7/10
5:44 pm | July 31, 2003
Awesome Hunter loved it very good spelling and grammer a little short and be more descriptive but really good. The passage from the art of war kicked ass way to go! 10/10/10 That sucks that Morris's parents died.
Artist formerly known as HUNTR-KILLR
5:26 pm | July 31, 2003
5:24 pm | July 31, 2003
9.5/10 That was like...deep.
5:13 pm | July 31, 2003
Dig the quotaions from the Art of War, Sun Tzu was defiantly the man
Agent Shade`
4:35 pm | July 31, 2003
this seems interesting Hunter, kinda short, which sucked, but good. consider being more descriptive when you write, explaining the surroundings and such...i dont know if the people landed in a forest in a desert...your grammar and punctuation was fine, keep it up

11:31 am | July 31, 2003
good story 10/10
