
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Five'

5:14 am | November 13, 2003
Sorry, but you could still recover this one because you did good before. A little less slang and a little more five dollars words and you'll be fine.
1:07 pm | November 12, 2003
3:38 am | November 12, 2003
Half conversational. I remember the first part in this series was exceptional, odd how over time fanfics like this and most of the others lose their luster. Try harder next time.
12:20 pm | November 11, 2003
THanks, BlooDed. =)
CoLd BlooDed
7:27 am | November 11, 2003
Good story, i liked your ideas but you have to make them longer and tidy up your work a little bit. (make indents, proper grammar) but overall it was good 7.5/10
