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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Croton Chronicles: Chapter 3.76, The sea may be a cruel mistress…but trees hurt more'

CoLd BlooDed
1:47 am | February 29, 2004
Well next time don't spam the FF Section.
8:03 pm | February 28, 2004
The whole idea behind the story is that it's supposed to be funny, witty, and perhaps, dare-I-say even good. We decided to number and name the chapters in such a way as to reflect these hopes and dreams. I'm sorry you haven't been able to pick up on this. Eventually, we do intend to re-re-edit the chapters and that includes giving them proper numbers, titles, and seperations.

CoLd BlooDed
5:15 pm | February 28, 2004
Dude(s), don't make a chapter named 3.76, that's pretty retarded.
