
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Strive to Survive (Chapter 7: Survivors)'

7:19 pm | April 12, 2004
Ya I did. Was a very good story mate. Can't wait for yer next chapter.
5:38 pm | April 12, 2004
Oh Shit!!! Its Wayne Brady!!!
CoLd BlooDed
5:11 pm | April 12, 2004
Lol, so, did you even read the story?
2:18 pm | April 12, 2004
I was referring to MC Hammer's song "Can't Touch This", Chapelle's impression of Dick James, and the Master Chief crapping in a burger in el_halo_diablo's "The Mis-Adventures of Master Chief" comedy series.

Yes, I know I'm weird. o_O
11:31 am | April 12, 2004
Can't touch this! OWWWW!!1 BAM!!! FUCKA!! WHOOO!!! MASTER CHIEF SHIT BURGER1!! Can;t touch this, bitch...

CoLd BlooDed
3:16 am | April 12, 2004
. . . and my second part to my comedy is posted, funnier, in my opinion.
CoLd BlooDed
12:09 am | April 12, 2004
CoLd BlooDed
7:48 pm | April 11, 2004
Okay, I'm back from my dads, and I thank you all for reading my story. Stuntmutt . . . is that really you?

MCC and Helljumper, resolve your arguing, my comment-"don't fight in here unless you wish to die"-section is of peace. PEACE!
4:30 pm | April 11, 2004
I'm wayne brady bitch
MC's Cousin
4:30 pm | April 11, 2004
Sorry about that little-*MCC searches for the right word*-incedent.

Hey Helljumper! Guess what?! Nothin'! (no hard...oh no, you wont get any mushy stuff out of me)

Signing Off

4:03 pm | April 11, 2004
Im Rick James Bitch
4:10 am | April 11, 2004
Something was missing... As for MCC, is it really you or an imposter?
12:00 am | April 11, 2004
don't start with me MCC
MC's Cousin
10:39 pm | April 10, 2004
Uh...you? Why no why would I talk about you?
*cough* ehem!
I'm sure you understand Hell-"shut up fool"-jumper. Right?

Signing Off

10:05 pm | April 10, 2004
Hey MCC you talking about me?
MC's Cousin
6:59 pm | April 10, 2004
Good, good, good, well, just good. I liked it...er...me muy mucho gusto. As Hell-"I don't have an alter ego name"-jumper (I live doing that) pointed out, yes, stick some goodness of Military ranking structure and other "things".
Well, it would seem I have run out offfffff...thoug...gh...ght...eneeeeee...er...ergyyyyyy...

Signing Off

4:42 pm | April 10, 2004
Me gusto this story a lot. It am good. Been a while since I've come, cuz of school and all. Haven't seen a lot of the oldies around much either in the past. But there's been a resurgence if you will of good talent. You're emerging as one of the new "great" authors.
4:19 pm | April 10, 2004
Wait... PaYnE? I haven't seen you since... since... since I started writing fanfics. Where have you been?
4:19 pm | April 10, 2004
Great story (you start to get quite tired of that comment, don't you?), I like the realism and detail you bring to the characters, just by dialogue. And someway, when I read equally good non-action and full-of-action stories, I usually gets more impressed then when i read the non-actions, because it shows skill off realy well. This was one of the times the skill of CoLd shone.

And Field Commander? I haven't found that rank anywhere exept my EW stories. Either I'm really bad at searching, or CoLd's getting inspired by me. A very pleasant thought, pleasing indeed...
CoLd BlooDed
4:03 pm | April 10, 2004
Thanks a ton for the information, Helljumper, really helps. But what did you think of the story overall? :P
3:48 pm | April 10, 2004
Well CoLd, you knew i was coming. There are some military facts mistakes, but its understandable since you don't have any experience with that. Thats why i try to write my stories with so much military facts in it so you guys have an idea. My biggest complaint is this sentence, "The noncom stepped out of the concentrated light " This was made in reference to a Colonel, who is an officer. Noncom is short for noncommisioned officer, which is a sergeant and all the different kinds of sergeants. Then you had the sergeant in Jake's group be a first sergeant, and he was only in command of a squad. First sergeants are the highest ranking NCO in a company. He reports directly to the company commander. He takes the place of the company commander and company XO if they are killed. A first sergeant has been in the military for a long time and has lots of combat experience, and the officers of a company respect him for that and take his advice about tactics to heart.
I was a Company First Sergeant my 2nd year of highschool, so i know how it works. :)

CoLd BlooDed
3:36 pm | April 10, 2004
Thanks a lot Ross, appreciated. :)

PaYnE, you're scaring me.
2:11 pm | April 10, 2004
Ross Becalick
11:26 am | April 10, 2004
Oh! oh! oh! One to read here! There are some good authors on HBO at the moment!

More is good!
