
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Eldar Counsels Log Part 2- Stories and more Questions'

12:06 pm | November 19, 2003
okay, i guess you guys, im sorry. But walker didnt hav eto go overboard and tell me EVERYTHING that was bad about my story.
3:22 am | November 19, 2003
If ignorance is bliss, I'm in hog heaven.
2:44 am | November 19, 2003
On the contrary, I did. How do you expect to get better? Ignorance is not bliss.
CoLd BlooDed
3:56 pm | November 18, 2003
Mainevent your very good at being sarcastic, haha. Nightblade this is not a place where you ONLY tell people if their story was good or not. You are also allowed to criticize, its not against the law, you know. Good story Blue Angel, stick to Walkers advice. 8/10
Blue Angel
4:11 am | November 18, 2003
hey thanks to everyone for your 'comments', even though most of them seemed a little premature. but thanks anyway. the next story i shall write in i think two more days. i have to ask luethelian if i could look at the sub texts and manuscripts of the the true story before i write another story to you all.

but keep up the critizism i think its working just great. oh yeah the plot is going to get more confusing or to most more understandable.
tah tah for now everyone.
2:03 am | November 18, 2003
Mines with that guy on the corner with one leg who asks for food. I say, sure I could give you some food. But I don't. Just to teach him a lesson. Not everybody will give you food.
1:00 am | November 18, 2003
Nah, I wanny be in the Navy... but I have a great respect for Marines. That's why I say it. There's nothing wrong with that in the world, "that" being showing my support for the Marine Corps. Are you saying you don't support our country's greatest fighting force? I guess so. Where's your patriotism, Nightblade?
1:00 am | November 18, 2003
Not tellin anybody how to do anything... I simply said that parts of the story were contradictory to my religion, and that he needed to work on some grammar stuff. No more than most commenters, and in fact a little less. Nightblade, I think this is spanning from your offense taken when I told you the truth about your story. Well, sorry, but it was the truth. Get over it.

Semper Fi

10:57 pm | November 17, 2003
Lets take two deep breaths...and release, in.....and out. Very good.

Walker simply told him to polish his spelling and grammar. OMG, wouldn't want a WRITER to do that would we? That would be like, like, telling him how to write correctly now wouldn't it?

And Semper Fi is short for Semper Fidelis, it's latin and also the Marine Corps.' motto. As Walker said he want's to be a Marine soon, I would suspect he's just trying to get into the mood.
10:45 pm | November 17, 2003
walker, i dont know if anyone else agrees with me but I think you are trying to tell to the author how to wrie THEIR story. come on man, thats ****ed up. remember are little arguement a couple days ago about you trying to tell me how to write my story! OH, AND WHATS THIS "SEMPER FI" shit.
RIPS, you can suck my DICK the comments section is to say little things about how good ot bad the story was, not tell them how the **** to write it. YOU mus think your the best doncha, WALKER!!!!!!!!!!
10:14 pm | November 17, 2003
Though I respect Blue Angel... Rips, that was hillarious.

But to the story.

Grammar, capitalization, spelling... all that needs a little work. I like the idea of other planets populated by people (they are populated by people, aren't they? Have to be populated by something) because that is also something taught in my church. The details about heaven seemed a bit weird, but I haven't studied that much. Other than the fact that Unakai and all that contradicts my faith, it was a great story, and I like how they have advanced technology, too. Good luck with this series. Polish up the things mentioned above, and you get a shiny silver badge.

Semper Fi

6:33 pm | November 17, 2003
This is terribly written... you must have basic knowledge of english to write english. Tri hoked on fonix buddy.
Traumatised Marine
5:33 pm | November 17, 2003
Commendable that you admitted your own mistakes, and a hella-intriguing plot.

One to watch for sure.
Blue Angel
2:21 pm | November 17, 2003
when you read this, i know made alot of mistakes with sentences and grammar and spelling and the whole God Lucifer and Unakai thing will make more sense in the future stories.
