
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Rainer's Voyage'

9:40 pm | January 27, 2004
sgt. deidra inacio.... you know her?
5:10 pm | February 2, 2003
Thanks guys, yes Rainer kicked the bucket, Pilot 415 thanks for pointing out the typo. Speaking of typos, if you don't like reading them, i suggest staying away from my 3 new ones, I forgot to spell check after I went back and edited them :).
Pilot 415
8:53 pm | January 30, 2003
Quite good liked the overall story a few typos though like its not 101th its 101st take that to mind next story.
Pilot 415
8:53 pm | January 30, 2003
Quite good liked the overall story a few typos though like its not 101th its 101st take that to mind next story.
Shadow Spartan
1:14 am | January 30, 2003
Greetings, I rather enjoyed this story. Just so I know, Private Rainer did dye yes? Is there going to be some kind of sequel. If there isn't, I still liked it
