
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Final War: Chapter Four: Battle for Installation 02 Part One: Operation: Firestorm'

6:20 pm | December 13, 2003
You see? It's a catastrofe for the sentence!
2:55 pm | December 13, 2003
Now I understand.
3:44 pm | December 8, 2003
I know you've read it Sentinel, and the forgotten word gives the sentence a chance to be misunderstood.
5:06 pm | December 6, 2003
Who cares if you forgot a word. All I really care about is if the story itself is good, and it is good, believe me.
1:59 pm | December 1, 2003
About part two, if you're afraid of bad grammar, you'll be scared to death by part two! It is the mistake I always do, to exchange have/has all the time! And I even FORGOT a word! Gaahh!
4:11 pm | November 30, 2003
Part two didn't make it for the stories of today! I was like half an hour late! Crap.
2:55 am | November 28, 2003
Very Nice. You should keep it going.
6:51 pm | November 26, 2003
3:54 pm | November 26, 2003
I'll try it. I agree about your first comment, the titles are a little bit too long. I know that the titles shouldn't be longer than the story itself. Thanks for the advises.
10:34 pm | November 25, 2003
It's alright.

Try it this way.

Just put

Final War:Chapter Four(1)

then on the story itself, maybe in bold, write

Battle for Installation 02 Part One: Operation: Firestorm'

then for every new part of chapter four put a new
number in the ()'s.

That should simplify it.
1:20 pm | November 25, 2003
Thanks Mainevent, I appreciate advises, but I don't really know how to give a good description of the chapters/parts elseways. I promise that I'll shorten the title for chapter five, really.
12:49 pm | November 25, 2003
That is one long fucking name dude.


Good story, can't really complain. Keep it up. And shorten the titles.
