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Fan Fiction

Flight of the Thunderbird
Posted By: Tommarrow and LordofDestruction<Tommarrow4123@aol.com/Exwing4123@aol.com>
Date: 4 April 2003, 3:27 AM

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Reunion of Death
Flight of the Thunderbird
Admiral Jason Williams stared into the cold black abyss of space when the Thunderbird took a sudden jump that would have knocked him to the ground had it not been for thirty years of experience in space combat against the Covenant.
He was a protégée of the late Captain Jacob Keyes, so naturally he clasped a pipe in his hand. He puffed at his pipe and said "Cortana, I need a fleet reading."
"Sir, there are three small Covenant fleets inbound on our position and we're already taking heavy fire from three Covenant battlecruisers. If I may suggest sir, we could do a Keyes loop and come around behind them. They'd be dead before they knew what hit them."
"I like that, but what will we do with the other two, they'll be expecting a Keyes loop."
"Well sir than we'd open fire with the Mac Cannon."
Jason turned to the Mac Cannon officer and said, "How's the Big Mac doin' today."
"Fully powered and ready to fire sir."
Jason turned to look out of the bridge window, the cold blackness of space filled everything out there. He stared out there for a while before noticing a little flashing light off to the left. "Cortana, what the hell is that?" he yelled.
"Sir Covenant docking ship in bound." Replied the A.I. Construct.
"Shoot it down before it gets here." He commanded a young weapons officer.
The weapons officer replied "Sir the cannons aren't going to be ready for space battle until 1700 hours."
"Just why the Hell not."
"Sir I don't know. There was a slight problem coming out of light space."
The light took shape now and Jason could make out its appearance It was A shining purple ship, which was typical of Covenant spacecraft.
"Begin evasive action, all hands brace for impact." He yelled into the ships communication system. "Deploy Archer Missile Pods. Deploy Longswords to deal with it!"
"Too late." Replied the XO.
The troop ship attached itself to the main docking bay and began disgorging troops.
"Get the Spartans to the main docking bay ASAP. Tell them that there is an entire Covenant division on our door step."

Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 heard the order and grabbed his battle rifle and assembled his eighty Spartans, ten of which were from the original batch. He addressed them saying "The Covenant have landed a division in the main docking bay, and we need to help muscle them out. For some of you, this may be your first time at on board ship combat but the rules are the same. Lets go frag a few ETs, am I right Spartans?
"Sir, yes sir?" They cried in unison.
"Alright," he said, "Standard blitzkrieg, the Covenant aren't expecting any Spartans, much less than two platoons worth."
As they arrived, they saw a scene of utter chaos. Chief Petty Officer Michael-194, one of the higher-ranking Spartans, grabbed a Scorpion Tank and blasted a squad of Grunts with its main gun as several of his comrades hopped on. Master Chief jumped in a Longsword fighter and fired its 20mm cannons into a platoon of Jackals, killing half and wounding the rest. He lifted off the deck and started flying across the three-km long and two-km wide bay. As he spied a staging area, he dropped 2 one thousand kg napalm tanks, torching an entire battalion. Petty Officer Sarah-201 led her squad to a covering position and deployed a MLAAG, Mobile Light Anti-Aircraft Gun, a mobile version of the venerable old LAAG. Her squad began providing cover as the other Spartans advance.
"Lets move ladies, we have places to go." Shouted an ODST Lieutenant Colonel to his battalion.
The Covenant began to advance forwards toward the vehicle bay, they had to stop them or else there would be no way to travel throughout the ship. Master chief dropped his last Napalm tank and it exploded killing another battalion, temporarily halting their advance.
The Spartans advanced forward into the melee killing anyone in their path.
Master Chief continued strafing runs before he noticed five Hunters, each with Fuel Rod Guns aimed at him, he banked hard port only to be trapped by a Wraith Mortar Tank, which shot him down.
Master Chief jumped out of the burning Longsword seconds before the Wraith hit the burning hulk with its plasma mortar.

Ben Morris and Sergeant Stevenson jumped through the blast door with the rest of the squad, and started blasting Covenant left and right. Ben tossed the rest of his grenades into a small group of Hunters; one of them got blasted forward towards Ben. Ben jumped out of the way before the flying hulk hit him. It landed between them, stood up and gave Tex a good whack across his chest with his giant shield breaking his ribs and puncturing his lungs and heart.

Ben ran to catch his best friend, and just say something to him before he died. Morris grabbed Tex as he fell to the ground, holding back tears he said, "Hey Tex."
"Hey Ben, do me a favor and get someone else to carry the coffin."
"No, no you're not goin' to die, you're gonna be a daddy member, you can't die now."
Tex's left arm wrapped around Ben's neck. They just stared at each other a moment before Tex lost his grip on Ben's neck and it fell to his side, he was dead. Ben started crying, his best friend in the world died right there in his arms.
Ben stood screaming and turned and started beating the lifeless corpse of the Hunter that had killed Tex, He took out his knife and started cutting it into pieces before he heard a voice saying "Ben, Ben over here." It was Sergeant Stevenson.

To be continued in: The Big Push
