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Fan Fiction

The Last Battle of Earth prt 2
Posted By: Tlaloc<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 29 November 2003, 7:22 PM

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Earth is probably the most heavily defended planet in the known space. It's Defense systems on Earth are 10,000 slicer beams, that are capable of cutting any target in space, and are powered, like the immense planetary sheilds, by massive gravitametric fusion reactors and quantum singularities.

The 3 planetary sheilds are very powerful, capable of absorbing wave after wave of plasma weaponry.

The Earth Defense Corps, or EDC, runs it all. The EDC fleet orbitting earth consists of 6,000 Medusa-class cruisers, and with the 10 Viper-class attack flyers per cruiser, makes 60,000 flyers.

The EDC also has 40,000 Templar ion torpedo weapons platforms, which have a single long distance ion torpedo launcher. There are also 100 Super Particle Cannons, which are capable of destroying a Covenant ship in one shot, and have a recharge rate of 3 seconds. The weapons platforms have their own gravitametric fusion reactors and quantum singularities.

The solar system is also very heavily defended. There are 10,000 cruisers in the solar defence corps that can slipstream to meet Covenant ships throughout the vast solar systems. Military installations, dug-out moons converted into particle weaponry, and nuclear trenches on the moons of Callisto are among some of the defences.

The main defence of the solar system, however, is the Mercury Defense System. The Mercury Defense system, located on Mercury, fires small anti-matter missiles, that are equipped with miniature slipstream devices. After launch they immediatelly slipstream extremelly close to their target and detonate, releasing tremendoes energy and devastating Covenant formations.

The Solar system also contains thousands of shipyards, most in the asteroid belt, some around Earth and Mars, and others around Jupiter's moons. These shipyards churn out numerous cruisers and flyers, adding to the strength of Earth. The Solar System has became a vast war machine.

There are also top secret ONI military installations. Most of the ONI installations are on Proteus, a moon of Neptune, around Neptune, and an intelligence headquarters on Charon. They are heavily defended but rely on seclusion instead of going into fights.

The gas giants; Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter, are also defended heavily, as there are massive gravitametric fusion reactors within the atmosphere of the gas giants that supply tremendous power to weapons systems. The most notable of the gas giants' weapons are Saturn's, as their atmosphere contains numerous Templars, Super Particle Cannons and cruisers hiding in the atmosphere.

The fight for the Solar system would not be all too easy...


Covenant superdreadnought 'Slayer'
Orbitting Citadel

High Prophet Slimmich examined his new fleet. He named it the Gold Fleet, since it would be the fleet that would defeat the weak humans. Slimmich thought mentally in his head. He would come victoriously after battle, after defeating the human cruisers, their powerful particle cannon batteries, and their anti-matter missiles, would have destroyed their immense planetary sheilds, glassed their remaining defense systems and their planet.

His wartorn vessel would be stored in the Hall of Victory, and he would have a golden temple built in his name.

Slimmich got back to his work. He examined his Gold Fleet. There were 20,000,000 frigates, 15,000,000 destroyers, 10,000,000 cruisers, 5,000,000 assault carriers, 10,000 stealth ships, 1,000 dreadnoughts and his superdreadnought. His superdreadnought, which he called Slayer, was a peice of work. It was nearly twice the size of a dreadnought, armed heavily with plasma weapons and heavily sheilded.

The last of the warships for the Gold Fleet came out of the shipyard and moved towards the formation. "Gold Fleet warships, open slipstream point to section 1034,3653,0017", said Slimmich. Those last numbers, 1034,3653,0017, were the exact numbers that all Covenant warriors knew. The location of Earth.

His immense fleet created their own slipstream points, and went off into the vastness of hyperspace to their target.


EDC Headquarters
Lunar military installation

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just received this from ONI", said General Sanders, the leader of the EDC. A massive hologram visualized from the center of the table, and then showed thousands, no, millions of Covenant ships moving through slipstream.

"The Covenant has just sent a massive fleet. We don't know how they made it or were they got the resources. According to scanners, there are 20,000,000 frigates, 15,000,000 destroyers, 10,000,000 cruisers, 5,000,000 assault carriers, 10,000 stealth ships, 1,000 dreadnoughts and a very large ship, bigger than any we've seen, a superdreadnought", said the intelligence officer.

"They estimate the fleet will be in the solar system in 4 days", said the second intelligence officer. The leaders in the meeting room murmured with eachother.

"What are we going to do?", asked General Anderson, leader of the Venus Defense Corps.

"We're going to prepare all of our ships. We must defend Earth at all costs. Even if we are facing impossible odds, we'll make them pay dearly for Earth", said General Sanders.
