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Fan Fiction

Human Elite Interlude: Between ch 2 and 3
Posted By: Tinmad!<Tinmad773@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 October 2003, 10:13 PM

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Interlude I-

The four prophets summoned the elite J'nai to the council chambers only ten minutes after the small uprising. J'nai was one of the most well respected and feared leader of his kind. He was known to follow through with any command with speed and with unrivaled brutality and cunning. Since his days of training he had risen faster through the ranks than any other soldier before him. Blessed with excellent charisma he was always listened to. And was praised by the prophets as the perfect soldier. He was the pinnacle of the Covenant army and ideals. For all of these reasons and more, the prophets were going to choose him for his most important assignment yet.

J'nai calmly strode through the darkness to the small circular platform. As his feet rested on it the circle lit up in a green glow and slowly lifted about two feet off the floor before more lights lit up to reveal the prophets high above him.

"Do you know why we have summoned you general J'nai?" One of the prophets inquired.

"I would believe the reason why has something to do with the… 'unrest' in our army?"

Another one of the prophets commanded, "Do not try to hide the truth by changing what words you use."

To which J'nai replied, "I am sorry my Lords."

The third prophet then explained, "Yes it does have something to do with the so called 'unrest'. But how do you think we are to deal with this matter?"

J'nai smiled coldly and said, "By making capturing and destroying the leader."

Then the last and oldest prophet spoke up, "You make it sound so simple… We don't have the slightest clue of who the root is. So we can not hope to even identify him until he makes the first move."

"So how am I supposed to find him in the mean time?"

"Nothing. Only wait until that happens. And listen for treason. And watch for disappearances. When you identify who the leader is you will be authorized to capture him by any means necessary. And we need him alive to know how to stop future uprisings. You are dismissed."

"Yes my Lords!" the elite saluted. J'nai was already formulating plans on how to capture the leader of the rebellion. What annoyed him most was that he would probably never know who the real leader was. That mattered little to him though. If it came to that he would just kill them all.
Interlude… This isn't a chapter so it doesn't get a random quote. : P And since I can't submit this without at least 750 words I'm just going to paste it over agian. But I have released CH's 3 and 4 along with this so stop reading this and go to the others.

Interlude I-

The four prophets summoned the elite J'nai to the council chambers only ten minutes after the small uprising. J'nai was one of the most well respected and feared leader of his kind. He was known to follow through with any command with speed and with unrivaled brutality and cunning. Since his days of training he had risen faster through the ranks than any other soldier before him. Blessed with excellent charisma he was always listened to. And was praised by the prophets as the perfect soldier. He was the pinnacle of the Covenant army and ideals. For all of these reasons and more, the prophets were going to choose him for his most important assignment yet.

J'nai calmly strode through the darkness to the small circular platform. As his feet rested on it the circle lit up in a green glow and slowly lifted about two feet off the floor before more lights lit up to reveal the prophets high above him.

"Do you know why we have summoned you general J'nai?" One of the prophets inquired.

"I would believe the reason why has something to do with the… 'unrest' in our army?"

Another one of the prophets commanded, "Do not try to hide the truth by changing what words you use."

To which J'nai replied, "I am sorry my Lords."

The third prophet then explained, "Yes it does have something to do with the so called 'unrest'. But how do you think we are to deal with this matter?"

J'nai smiled coldly and said, "By making capturing and destroying the leader."

Then the last and oldest prophet spoke up, "You make it sound so simple… We don't have the slightest clue of who the root is. So we can not hope to even identify him until he makes the first move."

"So how am I supposed to find him in the mean time?"

"Nothing. Only wait until that happens. And listen for treason. And watch for disappearances. When you identify who the leader is you will be authorized to capture him by any means necessary. And we need him alive to know how to stop future uprisings. You are dismissed."

"Yes my Lords!" the elite saluted. J'nai was already formulating plans on how to capture the leader of the rebellion. What annoyed him most was that he would probably never know who the real leader was. That mattered little to him though. If it came to that he would just kill them all.
Interlude… This isn't a chapter so it doesn't get a random quote. : P Why would you read this again???
