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Fan Fiction

The Master Chief Chronicles
Posted By: The Guys At the xbox.com forums.<byankees24@patmedia.net>
Date: 12 January 2004, 9:47 PM

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Hey Lou! The guys at the xbox.com forums stirred up a little something for you! Hope you enjoy, tell us what you think!

"HOLD ON!!" Jackson yells into his mic. Master Chief Tightens his grip on the Warthog's guns handles and bends his knees as they unexpectedly launch off the 10-meter jump. With a splash they land in the ever-sticky mud. Mitch Barrels outa the passenger seat as they all put their crosshairs slightly above the cliff. They sit quite...waiting.. After a moment, Master Chief hears the sound of a banshee, and sees two red blips on his motion sensor. As they fly over the cliff line the Chief sets his sights on the closest one and fires. Within seconds it is engulfed in flames and falls back down the cliff. He begins to aim for the second banshee. The Banshee weaves to left and unloads its plasma at the warthog before the chief gets a good shot off. Jackson hits the gas and they go on down the creek, with the banshee trailing them. As the banshee is chasing them, the Master Chief triggers a plasma grenade and easily sticks it to the banshee. Seconds after, the banshee is destroyed. A hot piece of metallic substance from the Banshee screams through the air and strikes Jackson in the noggin, the Warthog slides out of control into a large boulder, where MC is flung out into a large tree. He lay there unconscious, unaware of the tall shadows falling over his still body... Master Chief wakes up with a horrible headache. He notices has bleeding from his head. He thinks, "How can I tell I'm bleeding with my helmet on?" Master Chiefs feels his head and his bald scalp, which he hasn't felt in a long time. He notices his surroundings. He was in a covenant ship, imprisoned... "How are yaw chief?" Jackson asks. The chief gets up slowly, his back cracking on the way up. "Where is Mitch?" The Chief asks.."He's dead sir.." the soilder mumbles out. The chief sighs, and walks up to the door. "Looks like were going to have to get some payback on the way out....." Clyduls, the Grunt, is new to the Covenant brig team. Clyduls likes to push buttons. The panel in the back of the room has many buttons. Clyduls thinks the buttons are shiny. Clyduls presses a button that just so happens to release the force field for the Master Chief's cell. Clyduls sees the very tall human walk up to him. Clyduls wishes that he had been assigned to work in the mess room... A quick punch to the head and the grunt's skull cracks. The Master Chief grabs his plasma pistol, and moves back to Jackson. "Were getting out of here," he told Jackson, "but before we do, were going to destroy this ship." As they walk out of the prison rooms they find an erie silence. "Where are they?" asks Jackson, "I don't know." as Master Chief looks around. They walk for a while and find the control room of the covenent ship... The chief finds a button that ignites the covenant engines, and starts its reactor. "Theres our target," he says to Jackson, " were gonna need every plasma grenade we can get our hands on if were going to crack the reactors core." Jackson and Master Chief wandred throughout the ship looking for enemies to kill and get thier plasma grenades. They only had four 'nades each. "Well we're gonna need aproximently twenty plasma grenades to blow this thing" said Cortana "But one question, what are you planning to do when you override the control room engine? I suggest a banshee, but I have no idea where to get one with these new covenant ships". "Alright, we're gonna need to find a fuse these grenades, any ideas how?"... As they look throughout the ship they find nothing. "If this is a New Covenent Ship then where are the covies" said Jackson, As they walk through the next corridor they find a blood fest. "Stay Down!" Master Chief Said, As they look they saw a slug fest between 30 companies of covenent and flood! I have an idea," the master chief said, " you two stay here." He slowly crept around the wall closer to the fighting group. He found a piece of scrap metal on the ground and stuck a plasma grenade to the bottom side. Quckly, he slid the metal piece, grenade down, towards the group. Not paying any attention to a random piece of metal, the two groups kept fighting. Suddenly there was a huge explosion as the grenade blew. It caused several other grenades to blow simultaniously. The grenades instantly vaporized several of the flood nearest to them and blew everything else to pieces. Blue and grey blood sprayed across the Chiefs visor and covered the entire room. "$hit," he said to himself, "there goes the grenades we need."
Jackson peeked around the corner and saw the chief covered in blood, and then saw the room almost completely drenched. "Jesus!" he said to the Chief, "What the h*ll happened?" The chief took a step out into the open. "Maybe you two should get a head start"
The two soldiers ran down the hallway as Master Chief shot into the group. Many kept fighting but a few elites began running at him and two carriers followed. "Perfect" he said to himself as he began to sprint around the corner. He noticed one elite had no grenades and figured that he would save them some touble so he waited around a corner. Luckily, it was the first one around. He spun quickly and leveled a fully charged plasma pistol to its head. Before he knew what hit him, the elites shields were gone and the Master Chief saw that it was temporarily blinded. He quickly began to charge the pistol again and right as the elite looked up to see what had hit him, the plasma bolt burned through his helmet instantly welding it to the remains of his head on the inside. He waited for the next Elite. It quickly sped around the corner, in a hurry to catch the Master Chief, but he had no idea that he passed right next to him. The Master Cheif sped behind him, when he cought up the melee attacked the elite, easily breaking its neck, and picked up the gernades. He noticed that a lot of the Covenant were right behind them and noticed most of them had gernades. He quickly grabed Jackson as they headed for the reactor core, with the Covenant behind them.... Master Chief put Jackson in front of him while he was running toward the core so he Jackson wouldn't get hit. Master Chief threw Jackson behind a bunker. He turned around and ripped out two SMG's. "Go! GO!"Don't worry about me" Master Chief told Jackson while throwing him the grenades. Master Chief cocked the guns and started spraying bullets throughout the covenant assault. He jumped and rolled behind a bunker and saw a blue plasma grenade on his arm... No Master Chief" said Jackson, as Jackson grabs the grenade and throughs it into a group of grunts! They take off running to the reactor room again. As they were running cortana started talking. "this is a bad time" Master Chief Said, "Why?" Cortana Said, "wtf you mean i am being chased Master Chief out!" Master Chief Said. "That was cortana right what are we doing now?" said Jackson, "We blow this ship!" said master chief, "there is the core room!" said Jackson, "ooOoo sh*t!" said Master Chief as he slows to a walk, As they look they see a fully read army of flood! "Ohh crap follow me" Jackson Said, As they run they run for the middle of the room master chief picks up a rocket launcher. As they are pinned down Jackson Says..... Jackson fried a shot of the rocket launcher right into a group of carriers. The exploded killing about twenty other flood. Jackson kept firing until he was out. Master Chief thought he heard something behind him. It was Clyduls the grunt! Jackson was about to fire a shot right into his head when Master Chief stopped him. "What the h*ll?!" Jackson yelled. "We might need him". Master Chief slapped a plasma grenade on top of the grunts head and tossed him into the last remaining group of flood. The flood were gone. There was a bang. At one of the doors. Out came pouring brutes. "OOOOOH FUCCK!" Jackson yelled while stepping back carefully. Another bang at the door. "No, not again" Master Chief thought. The door blew open pured out four SPARTANs. Fred fired a rocket into a huge group of brutes. "Linda!" Master Chief yelled to Linda. The four SPARTANs gathered the power to kill all of the brutes. Jackson slapped a grenade to the core. The SPARTANs jumped an landed on a pelican. Jackson was slipping. Jackson fell and a banshee swooped and picked him up. It was Clyduls again! The banshee delivered Jackson to the pelican. "That was close" Jackson said under his breath. The covenant ship exploded. It was over this time... THE END
