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Fan Fiction

The Battles For Centauri Primus : Chapter One
Posted By: spartandude117<SpArTaNdUde117@twcny.rr.com>
Date: 25 September 2003, 11:01 PM

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0930 Hours October 22 2553(Military Calendar)/
UNSC Military Facility, planet Centauri Primus

Everyone clapped as John finished his speech. The two meter tall Spartan walked away to an elevatar that took him up seventeen floors were his newly traind SPARTAN IIIs awaited him. THe men and women looked in aw as the Master Chief walked throught the door wearing is full military suit with all his countless gleaming medals and awards."Master Chief sir , we have a problem."
"What is it Private?"
" A fleet of nearly four thousand covenant warships are headed right this way sir."
"Alright Admiral Blake then meet me and the others in the locker room."
Thje Pvt. snapped a salute and was off. The locker room was crowded as the 75 Spartans adorned them selves in the legendary MJLONIR armor.Each Spartan grabbed their own personilized MA5B assault rifles and thier own personilized Battle Rifles and where off.
Admiral Blake himself met the Master Chif outside the locker room.The Master Chief and his Spartans snapped a brisk salute."Master Chief its about time we, the UNSC, give you something for your outstanding service for Earth."
The two walked out to a balcony and watched as atleast 1 million MJLONIR wearing Spartans marched in formation"What are they?"
"They're an army of the finest people alive...thy're Spartans....and al of them serve you and you alone Master Chief. Your Spartan 3 will serve as their Sergents and Lieutenants."
The Chief was shaking with the glistenenig green army.Soon He would test them.
.......Four Days Later......

The Covenant sotrmed the planet two days ago. Since then its been hell. Admiral Blakes Apcolypse class war ship took out the first five Covenenant ships that desellerated from slipspace.The battle on the surface was hell.
The Master Chief fires his MA5B bursts and watched as four Grunts went down. Behind him rockets and missiles screamed into the Covenant ranks scatering them.The smell of corpses filled the air.Thick black smoke coiled lazily up into the sky form wreaked veichles.
There was a loud explosion as a Covenant Frigate Fell from the sky in flames.Wraith tanks flew over hills and reduced marines to dust.Scorpion missles tore the same tanks apart.Plasma scorched the battlefield and fire was everywhere.
The Master Chief empeted his MA5B clip into an Elites gut. The Chief led his army of Spartans to the ruins of the Military Facility that had stood only days before. The UNSC built a makeshift commandcenter in the crumbled basements. Longswords screemed overhead in an effort to burn the Covenant out with the 18 megaton napalm bomb called the INCINERATER. The bomb went off and thousands of Covenant went up in flames, but the battle raged on.
The Chief now armed himself whith a M90 shotgun and slung his personilized MA5B over his back.Another explosion produced yet another Covenat Frigate falling from the sky. By now the ground was scorcged with deep mortar and ship scares.
Another INCINERATER went off along with a HAVOC tactical nuke(the two were 20 miles apart).The Covenant ground forces were almost fought off when suddenly an Apcolypse class war ship fell from the sky. The Chief new it belonged to Admiral Blake.
It was over. The Covenant shurly would be now finishing off the human ships left in the sky. That very fact pushed the Master Chief forward. He turned to Sergeant Clarke."Sarge get the men moving. I want everyone still wearing our armor to move to that cliff face...now!"
The cliff face was about three miles from their current position....but he knew they would make it.

......Six Hours Later......

The army os Spartans had succesfully dug a new commandcenter into the cliff wall. LAAG staitonary turrets along with sandbabs piled a meter high were placed along the full perimeter of the commandcenter.
HAVOCs and INCINERATERs went off left and right, but no matter how many Covenant were killed hundreds more kept replacing them.A platoon of Covenant led by a commander Elite charged the command center. The grout was blasted apart in roughly 50 seconds by an endless supplay of LAAG armor piercing rounds.
Suddenly the Covenant armies retreated back to the planets orbit to hold thier positions. This formed an impassible blockade around the planet. The naval fleets had fallen ,but the ground forces stil held the planet.
The tired Master Chief turned to his men. His armor was covered in mud and spattered in covenant blood."thw Covenant have fled making us the winners of the first battle for Centauri Primus, but there will be more. When those damned Covenat bastards come back we'll be waiting...to give 'em one helluva beatin!!!!!!!!!!"
