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Fan Fiction

The Ganymede Seige Part II
Posted By: Spartan81388<Mlquick@sptc.net>
Date: 18 June 2003, 9:20 PM

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Sergeant Lee, and Corporal Donell raced back to Vulu Base a fast as possible. When they got there they were ordered to report to Colonel immediately.
"What about Davidson?" Corporal Donell asked. "We should get him to a Medic first."
Sergeant Lee agreed. "Alright get him to the Medical facilities now, we may be able to save him. I'll go and meet the Colonel."
When the Sergeant met the Colonel, the Colonel was in a state of panic rambling questions not waiting for an answer. "How could they have gotten here without our knowing? How come the Cresent didn't detect them? When is their main force going to get here? How come they haven't glassed this place?"
The Sergeant had to shout to be noticed. "Reporting as ordered, Sir." Saluting as he said so. "What are my orders?"
The Colonel finally snapping out of his rambling finally asked. "Tell me what the heck happened Lee? How many casualties were there? And what was the opposition force's numbers?"
Sergeant Lee responded. "The Covenant have landed on the planet, probably from the far side of the planet. Outpost Beta-2 was completely destroyed and all personnel lost. I have also lost one Warthog with three personnel and one seriously injured. And the Covenant numbered in the hundreds to thousands, it was an invasion force, Sir."
The Colonel lowered his head and sighed. He then turned to an aide. "Contact HQ with emergency encryption. Report that Ganymede is under attack and we need immediate assistance. Then contact Cresent and find out their situation."
The aide rushed out to obey the Colonel orders. Sergeant Lee asked, "What are we going to do, Sir?"
The Colonel replied "We are going to fight them off Sergeant, but first I'm field promoting you to Lieutenant. Gather your squad and report to the outer perimeter. I'll issue Lieutenant Green, Captain Richards, and Major Reto's squads to help yours. All other units will defend the compound itself. That is all get moving Lieutenant." Lee snapped a hasty salute and ran to the barracks.
Major Reto met Lee by the barrack exit. "I guess we'll be fighting together Lieutenant."
Lee responded, "I was a bit surprised he wants such a high ranking officer on the front lines."
"He wants me there because I know how he got three of your men killed and one wounded. He doesn't want an investigation on himself. That is also why he is sending you to the front as well, Lee. He wants to silence you and me."
"Well what about Green and Richards?" Lee asked.
"Green and Richards are my best friends they know what I know." Reto told Lee
Lee still not believing what he was hearing burst out "Are you telling me that the Colonel is using the Covenant to kill four UNSC Marine squads just to keep his record clean?
"That is exactly what I'm saying Lieutenant." With that Major Reto left Lee to his thoughts.
"How could he? How could an officer, a colonel no less, do such a thing? Damn him." Lee then gathered his squad and headed towards the outer perimeter for what would probably be there last mission.
Commander Kile Vernest busied himself by reading the Damage and Casualties report just handed to him by Lieutenant Toren. "Decks C, D, E and F all gone?"
"No sir almost mostly gone. But thank goodness C-E were the decks used by the 301st. The Armory, Mess, and Cryo Bay were all destroyed on deck F. Engineering and Medical are still in place on deck G. And the Bridge and Barracks are intact on A and B."
"We took surprisingly small casualties for such high damage though." Commander Vernest informed Toren. "Have we fixed our missile lock on system yet?"
Lieutenant Johannes spoke up from the Weapons control. "Sir, We have lock on for Pods A, D, F, and J. All others are damaged beyond repair."
"How many missiles are left? And what's the status of the MAC gun?" Vernest asked Johannes.
"We still have 45% of our missiles, and the Mac gun is still in the shape it was before the attack."
"Good, What is the report from High Command say about reinforcements we requested two hours ago?"
Lieutenant Toren replied, "Sir, the Cruisers Apollo, Justice, and Latheus are making top speed and should be here in seven hours. They are also sending the battleship Redeemer along with the frigates Hades and Erebus."
The commander whistled, "That's quite a bit of firepower. I hope it's enough. We still have no data on how they got here undetected?"
Lieutenant Toren answered. "We suspect they came in from the far side of the planet using the moon for cover from our sensors. And the base planet side says that there is a sizable invasion force headed towards it. So I should think that there is a huge Armada on the far side of the planet... Sir I just got another report they are also sending us an AI."
"Alright then, take up orbit above the base we'll see if we can give it some support." Commander Vernest smiled for the first time that day.

Lee dodged another plasma bolt as it flew by his head. "Keep your heads down and give covering fire to each other. We don't want to get wiped out before we even get to the outer perimeter."
Major Reto and his squad were already at the trenches and was on the radio when Lee's squad arrived. He waved him over while finishing his conversation. "...Yes grid 34 by 53 confirmed we'll keep our heads down."
Before the Major could explain what was going to happen. Hundreds of archer missiles flew down and plummeted the enemy forces in the forest in front of the trenches. Grunts, Jackal, Elites, and Hunters were all vaporized instantly in the blast, and those that survived the blast were killed by the shockwave completely destroying the probe force. The Forest was ablaze and what was once a dense pine forest was soon a wasteland with craters and the remains of tree stumps. The targeted area was one mile across and two thousand feet wide. Giving the Marines a clear sight of the enemy and where they were coming from.
Major Reto grabbed the radio from one of his men "Thanks Kile that was right on the money we'll be in touch." And with that he gave the radio back and turned towards Lee. "Green and Richards are in the trenches towards the east holding fine. We have the west under control. I want you to put your squad in between Richard and me got it?"
"Yes sir I got it. Squad move out" Lee and his squad ran for half a mile and got into position between Captain Richards and Major Reto. He had his squad set up one the chain guns they had brought in an emplacement and then had his sniper PFC Cunnings get into position.
"With that area clear it will be too easy to get them before they get here." Cunnings told Lee "Way to easy."
Then Corporal Donell informed him "The Covenant can do those swarm attacks with Grunts and Jackals and can run faster than hell. Remember that okay, private?"
"Sir. Just speaking my mind sir."
"Alright enough chit chat everyone spread out and don't forget to overlap your fields of fire, then get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us. Donell and Cunnings take the first watch." Then Lee and his squad prepared for the coming invasion.

Covenant Leader Greuc'Slaugh was thinking of his victory when a subordinate came to him. "Oh great one why not glass this planet and those puny humans and not risk a large invasion force?"
"Why must I explain myself to you pitiful worm." Greuc'Slaugh said while spitting at him. "But, know that this is not my decision this comes from the Prophets themselves. We are to take the planet without destroying it or any part of it."
"But why great one... why do they ask such a thing?" The subordinate said with no fear for his life.
"You are coming dangerously close to treason. Leave my sight or die." Greuc'Slaugh said threateningly.
His subordinate screeched "At once great one. At once."
Greuc'Slaugh watched him slink away and turned back to the view port. And thought for a moment. Now that he thinks about he realized that what that worthless creature said was his exact feelings. Was he being treasonous? He panicked for a moment. No he did not speak his thoughts out loud he did not question them openly. He relaxed. What the prophets know about this planet would soon be revealed to him.
