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Fan Fiction

Aurora Squadron- Part 1
Posted By: RogueFox<roguefox68@netscape.net>
Date: 2 November 2003, 5:07 AM

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      The UNSC carrier Hornet glided along its flight path in the Beta Endrinarius system. It was part of Task Force IV that was assigned to protect the system. The routine C709 and C709-E Longsword Interceptor patrols swept through the system. One of these squadrons was the elite Aurora Squadron. The Auroras had served with distinction at Sigma Octanus IV, Jerico VII, and Alpha Ceti III. At Reach, the squadron had bought time for the admirality's evacuation ships. Aurora Leader, Lieutenant Commander Jake O'Malley, orderded the squadron to check in. One by one, his Auroras checked in. Aurora Two, Lieutenant Dan McCafferty, radioed in first. Aurora Three, Lieutenant Jack Edwards, followed Aurora Two. Aurora Four, Ensign Bob Toland, radioed in next. Finally, Aurora Five, Ensign Chuck Lowe, reported in last. Aurora Lead then ordered the squadron to form up in a line abrest to dock with Hornet. One of the last carriers in the fleet, Hornet was a huge ship. She began to collect her fighters, as she made preparations to leave the system to head for the shipyards on Saturn.

       Unknown to the UNSC ships in the system, 3 Covenant vessels were inbound to take the system over. An easy match for the carrier, as the rest of Task Force IV had already left for Saturn. The 2 frigates and destroyer closed in through Slipstream, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting Hornet.

       Aurora Lead suddenly ordered his squadron into a chevron formation and they came about. Commander O'Malley had gotten the message from Fighter Control aboard the carrier about the inbound Covenant forces. Joining Aurora Squadron in the attack were Overlord Squadron and Scorpion Squadron. The C709-E variants were armed with a small 125mm Magnetic Acceleration Cannon, twin Archer missile pods, and a 50mm chin gun. The normal C709s were armed with a 70mm chin gun, and twin Archer pods. O'Malley groaned. Not enough to make any difference against a Covenant battlegroup. The Longswords formed into a giant chevron, with each squadron making its own, smaller chevron. Aurora Two cried out, "Covenant to port!" O'Malley turned and saw the green motes of light that preceded an exit from the Slipstream. The Longswords turned to face the motes. The 3 Covenant ships emerged from the Slipstream, and deployed their single-seat Seraph class fighters. Fighter Control crackled on the radio. "Overlord and Scorpion Squadrons: Run interference. Aurora Squadron: Attack capital ships at will." Aurora Lead grunted and gave orders for his C709-Es to break formation with the other Longswords. Overlord and Scorpion Squadrons split off to engage the Covenant fighters. The Auroras lined up on a Covenant frigate. The frigate fired its point-defense pulse lasers, but the Auroras nimbly dodged them. Aurora Lead ordered his fighters to fire their MAC, then Archers, then their chin-guns at the frigate. O'Malley knew they probably wouldn't get through the shield, but they'd try anyway. The MACs fired, causing the fighters to lose power for a little while, then came back on-line. The shield shimmered from the multiple 125mm hits. All 6 rounds hit in the same place, causing a small hole in the shield. Aurora Lead screamed for the chin guns and Archers to hit that hole. The missiles and bullets streaked for the hole. Luck was with the Auroras that day, because a missile hit a shield generator directly under the hole, taking it out. The shield disappeared. The Auroras cheered over the radio, and then began shooting missiles and bullets into the ship. Three missiles hit the same spot, tearing a small hole in the ship. Aurora Leader looked over at his MAC charge indicator. The display read 100%. He and Aurora Five fired their MACs into the hole. The MAC rounds hit a vital fuel line, and fire erupted out of the hole. The Auroras pulled off their attacks. Hornet saw the gaping hole in the frigate, and put some 50 Archer missiles on course. The frigate was soon a burning mess, thanks to the Auroras. The destroyer had since been destroyed by Hornet. The carrier itself, however, had not fared well. It had taken multiple laser and plasma hits. The hull had multiple holes, and dozens of scorch marks. Aurora Two cringed at the thought of the losses onboard the ship. O'Malley wondered if the ship could handle the trip to Saturn. The other Covenant frigate turned tail and ran out of the system. Aurora Leader sighed. They had defeated the Covenant. But at what cost? The Auroras had been extremely lucky with no losses. Overlord Squadron had lost 4 of its 6 fighters, and Scorpion Squadron lost 3 fighters. The carrier looked bad enough, and the losses inside must be horrendous. Aurora Squadron formed up and headed back to Hornet to await further orders...

To be continued...
