Battle of New Lexington
Posted By: Noah610<noah610@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 8 April 2004, 9:11 PM
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Attention to everyone who is going to read this fanfiction: It is not just about Halo but more of a Halo/Starcraft crossover. All of the characters in this story are not from either game and are people that I made up. The captain of the Trench is someone I just made up out of my mind but the president is based off of my brother and the commander is based off of me. Now I hope you enjoy this fanfiction of... The Battle of New Lexington Trench!
The Battle of New Lexington Trench began on July 9 2054 on the planet Char. The battle was against the UNSD (United Nations Space Division), the Zerg Swarm, and the Spark army (Guilty Sparks forces) until the 9th day when the Covenent/Protoss alliance joined the fight along side the UNSD. The city of New Lexington is the largest military city on Char at a population of 404,567 civilians and 800,275 soldiers. It obviously had an extremely large military installation. The reason Guilty Spark, leader of the Spark army and the Overmind, the hive mind of the Zerg wanted to destroy the city was because they knew that if they could get rid of this base it would horribly cripple the UNSD. The city and the Trench was home to a total of 20 Comostat Stations as well as 10 Nuclear Silos. A Protoss Warp Gate was also housed within the city. On the 1st day of the battle an extremely large force of Zerglings and Hydralisks assaulted the base they were unsuccessful at laying even a scratch on the Trenches steal and titanium armored wall. However they did announce to the UNSD that they were there with a very large swarm and they were hostile. This lowered the moral of the men in the Trench down to only 48% (out of 100%). The captain of the Trench and leader of the forces within the Trench, Cap. Timothy Rubalisk sent out a distress call to any nearby battle cruisers for aid the night after the first day. At noon of July 10th 2054 the super capital class battle cruiser the Chimera answered and sent out a total of 300,000 men and women in 3000 dropships to the aid of the "Trenchlings". Led by Lt Commander. Noah T. Marcus younger brother of President of Earth Benjamin G. Marcus the large battalion signifagantly raised the moral of the Trenchlings to 90%. However Guilty Spark had also sent his forces to the planet to aid the Zerg Swarm. Commander Marcus was very surprised to see a large number of Spark Sentinels and Virals (abominations made from parts of other robots) attack along side the Zerg. Whenever 1 of the Sentinels or the Virals was destroyed it's commrads would take the parts and rebuild the warrior and return it to battle. The battle continued in this fashion for 3 days until on the 8th day the moral and supplies of both the Trench and the city began to run dangerously low. The battle would not have gone on as long as it did if the Trench had used it's nuclear weapons but President Marcus had ordered that nuclear weapons would not be used for the remainder of the war in this statement, "I will not resort to the use of nuclear weapons unless I have no other option." However it was becoming obvious that nuclear weaponry would have to be used if President Marcus had any hope of destroying the Zerg. Commander Marcus agreed with his brothers decision against the use of nuclear weapons and ordered the warheads to be placed on lock down within their silos.night unbeknownst to his sergeants Commander Marcus called for the Protoss and humanities former enemy the Covenant to come to his aid. They answered with maximum force the next day with a grand army of 9,000,000. However Guilty Spark had prepared two attack groups of 1500 Sentinels each to go around the Trench and attack from the rear but he had not scanned the area first and his 2 attack groups were demolished by the Covenent/Protoss alliance. The C/P alliance as it was called by the Trenchlings then split into several groups, many marched through the Trench to get to the front while others went around the side. They were soon able to push the Zerg Swarm and the Spark forces back until they were trapped on the shores of a lava ocean and were destroyed by the C/P alliance. Thus the battle of New Lexington Trench was won.
Here are the casualties of the battle:
UNSD: 100,345 soldiers 0 civilians
Commander Marcus' forces: 67,463 soldiers
Zerg: 1,067,987 spawn
Spark: 999,584 Sentinels and Virals
Covenant: 512 warriors
Protoss: 720 warriors
Looking at these casualties it was an obvious victory by the Human/Protoss/Covenent alliance.
This was the largest battle in the entire war. With the number of causulties that the UNSD suffered it was the largest number of Human deaths in one battle in the whole of Human history.
I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction and if you did just say so in the Post Comments section of this site. If you liked it I will write more.
(The MGM Studios logo with a Covenant Brute roaring in the middle and MechWarrior610 Studios written around the side)