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Fan Fiction

Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Five
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 November 2003, 6:34 AM

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Chapter Five

Colin ejected the empty clip of ammo from his pistol and slammed a new one in. He and Todd Maddox rushed into the lobby area, where Johnny Colbourne and Jamie Fisher were trying to control the two managers and the two secretaries. The one manager, a big man, with a bulging stomach was yelling in Fisher's face. Colin walked up behind him and smashed the butt end of his pistol into his head. He fell, completely knocked out. He then pointed it at the other manager, who was going for the blood-covered alarm.

"Get on the fucking floor!" he yelled. The manager hesitated. Todd Maddox came up behind him and kicked him in the back of his left leg. The man grunted and fell to one knee. Maddox stood over him and kicked him in the side, knocking him over completely. Johnny forced the two secretaries behind the reception desk to get down on their knees, hands behind their heads. Owens suddenly walked in, Andrew Kreutz Kamp right behind him.

"Garage is locked; get those secretaries into the office. Make sure the phone and computer are destroyed, along with any other type of equipment" he ordered. Johnny nodded and hauled both of them to their feet. Owens walked over to the one manager who was rolling on the floor in pain, Todd Maddox standing over him. Fredrick bent on one knee and grabbed the man by his collar.

"Now listen to me very carefully. Specter here will stop bullying you if you do as I say and unlock all the vaults in the back" he whispered, glaring at the man. The manager's name tag said "Henderson, Alan" on it. His glasses were crooked on his face and he was sweating. He nodded and stood up. Looking at Owens and Maddox, he began to walk to the vaults, Todd right behind him. Johnny emerged from the office and followed them. Owens looked over at Colin, who was dragging the knocked out manager behind the desk.

"Keep an eye on those secretaries" he said. Colin nodded, and let go of the manager's arms. Andrew walked past him, putting a pair of sun glasses on and opened the main door. He then leaned against the brick wall and took out a cigarette. Colin walked to the door and locked it, grinning at Andrew, who laughed and gave him the finger. Jamie Fisher emerged from the other office and stood by the desk.

"Stand over there and keep an eye on the hostages" Colin said, pointing to the other office. Jamie nodded and sat down on one of the chairs along the wall near the alarm. He glanced inside the office briefly, and then stared at the floor. Colin stood still for a moment, before walking through the vault room gate and looking down the hall. Todd Maddox was sitting at a small desk, typing away at a computer. Alan Henderson, one of the managers, was on his knees, facing the wall, while Owens and Johnny grabbed large bagfuls of tiny credits and tossed them into a large duffel back. Because the credits of money were so small, the duffel bag could carry every single bag in the vault room. They had two more bags just in case. Colin nodded at Maddox, who nodded back and continued to type. The sniper walked back inside the lobby and took out a cigarette. He lighted it, staring at Andrew, who was staring into the sky. Colin inhaled the fumes from the cigarette and breathed them out. He looked over at Jamie, who was staring inside the office.

"Want one?" he asked him. Jamie shook his head and stared at the floor again. Colin watched him for a second, before breathing in more fumes. He finally sat down behind the desk and took out his two pistols. He did a quick check to make sure each one of them was fully loaded, then leaned back and tried to relax. Wasn't easy when you had to worry about three hostages and one freaked out manager.

Lance Corporal Peter O'Neill stared through the scope of his S2 AM sniper rifle, the typical weapon used by Marine snipers. He was looking through the window of a door that was fixed inside a large warehouse near the stadium, which overlooked the small private bank in the distance. The Corporal sighted his vision on the lone man standing outside the main entrance, pacing around and smoking a cigarette.

"One bogey out front" he reported. General Banton, who was sitting beside the sniper, took out his binoculars and sighted them on the man. He took his head away from the scopes and looked at five pictures laid out in front of him.

"Looks like Corporal Andrew Kreutz Kamp, demolitions expert" he mused.

"I have a clear shot" O'Neill reported.

"No, our man said not to attack till 12:00. It is now 11:40, so you got forty minutes to wait. Just watch him and report if anyone else joins him" Banton snapped.

"Yes boss" Peter replied, not taking his head away from his rifle's scope. Banton picked up his radio.

"Lead to Eagle One" he said. A deep voice blared through his radio's speaker.

"Go ahead" said Special Field Master 'Qualamee.

"Twenty units to go Field Master have your ships be ready" Banton said.

"Acknowledged Lead, Eagle One out" the Elite said. Banton put the radio down and continued watching the pacing man. Inside the stadium, a group of five dropships, loaded with Covenant Black Ops and UNSC marines sat waiting for their cue to take off and attack. All they waited for was the time to hit noon.

"Got another figure coming out" O'Neill suddenly said.

Colin unlocked the door to the bank and looked at Andrew, who stopped pacing and tossed his cigarette aside. He nodded at Colin.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Two things Wraith. One, stop pacing, you're a distraction. Two, want a drink?" he said. Andrew laughed first and punched Colin lightly in the arm. He then licked his dry lips and nodded.

"Some vater couldn't hurt sir" he said. Colin nodded and walked back into the lobby. A drink and snack machine had been set up near the vault gate. Colin smashed open the drink machine and pulled out a bottle of water. He then opened the door again and handed it to Andrew.

"He's giving the sentry some water" O'Neill said. General Banton looked at the pictures laid out before him again.

"Master Sergeant Colin Thompson, executive officer, team sniper" he said out loud, looking at the portrait of the man.

"He's gone back inside. Looks like he's locked the door as well" Peter said.

"And the sentry?"

"Stopped pacing. He's drinking the water given to him" the sniper simply stated. Banton glanced at his watch. The numbers 11:50 blinked back at him. He raised his radio and clicked it on.

"Ten minutes people" he said, and then put it aside.

"Who the fuck are you people?" Colin punched the fat manager across the face. The man moaned in pain and spat up blood. Colin knelt in front of him and grinned.

"You are in no position to demand anything of me" he said and punched him in the stomach. He had woken up quite quickly after Colin had smashed his pistol into the back of his head. Regardless, he seemed delirious.

"Alan!" he yelled suddenly. Colin grabbed a nearby cloth from the bank's bathroom and stuffed it into his mouth. He tried to scream, but the cloth sank further down his throat and he began to choke. Colin looked out into the lobby, to see Fredrick and Johnny opening up another nearby vault.

"Do we need him?" Colin asked, referring to the choking manager. Owens looked over at him, then down at the Henderson, who was crying.

"Nah" he finally said. Colin nodded and took out his pistol. He walked back into the office, where the man was trying to spit the cloth up. He looked up to see the barrel of the gun in his face. Without even thinking, Colin pulled the trigger. It entered straight through his forehead and exploded out the other end, spraying the wall with blood and pieces of skull and brains. The man slumped forward, the cloth dropping out of his mouth, coated in red. Colin snapped the office door shut and locked it. He then blew the door handle off with his pistol, sealing the body inside. Colin sat back down behind the desk, to see Jamie Fisher glaring at him. Colin looked at him.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked. Fisher suddenly shook his head and grinned.

"Yeah man, fine" he said, then looked quickly at the two secretaries. Colin raised an eyebrow, but ignored it and watched Johnny and Fredrick work their way through the vaults, dumping credits and diamonds into their second duffel bag. Todd Maddox suddenly appeared.

"I've destroyed two hundred ONI bank accounts, spread out over the world. The stocks were really hard, but I managed to hack and destroy a third or so of what ONI owns. They should be put out of business within a few months or so" he said, grinning from ear to ear. Owens looked at him and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Excellent, help us with these last few vaults" he ordered. Henderson remained on the floor, trembling and whining. Colin's watch suddenly beeped. He looked at it.

"Twelve o'clock" he announced, getting up to grab a snack.

"Show time General Banton said into his radio. He looked over at Peter O'Neill who grinned and sighted his trigger onto Andrew's head.

Kreutz Kamp drained the last of his water into his mouth, and then tossed the bottle away. He looked over at the warehouse and suddenly saw a flicker of light come from the window of the side door. He stood suddenly, just as a loud crack emanated from the warehouse. A 14.5mm slug slammed straight into his body armor. Following that, a second shot was fired, and hit him just below the first bullet. It burst threw his Kevlar torso plate and struck his liver. Another shot fired, this time hitting Andrew in the neck, destroying his esophagus. He began choking, blood flowing from his mouth and soaking through his uniform and body armor. He slowly began to slide to the ground, a trail of blood behind him. Another shot rang out, but pinged off the wall.

"Son of a bitch" Peter growled, reloading his rifle quickly. Banton continued to watch the slowly dying German.

"Tough target" he said.

With what strength was left, Andrew stood up, using the wall for support and fell against the door, banging on it twice.

"Oh my god!" Jamie yelled. Colin looked up from his bag of chips to see the shocked face of Andrew looking at him, blood covering his face and the door. Suddenly, a bullet fired from somewhere slammed into the back of his head, and smashed against the window. Andrew's head exploded, showering the door frame and window with brain tissue and pieces of skull and flesh. The headless corpse tipped over and fell onto the sand.

"Target down" Peter yelled, reloading again.

"Eagle One, deploy!" General Banton ordered.

"Eagle One deploying"

Colin rushed to the door, attempting to unlock it and get Andrew inside, when five Covenant dropships soared out of the stadium to his left and hovered above the bank. The side pods opened, revealing ropes that flew down to the ground. Colin watched in horror as Covenant troops, dressed in black armor and UNSC marines slide down the ropes and landed onto the ground. A group of them gathered around the main door, shoving Andrew's corpse aside and leveled their weapons.

"Shit!" Colin yelled, turning on his heel and running forward. They fired, their various projectiles smashing into the glass, which began to crack. Suddenly, it shattered open, allowing the bullets and plasma rounds to enter the room. Colin quickly jumped forward, grabbing hold of the reception desk counter and pulled himself over it. He landed behind it and grabbed his pistols from his holsters. Jamie Fisher was already behind the desk, trembling near one of the chairs. He looked at Colin, who raised the pistols over the desk and fired randomly. Johnny Colbourne appeared near the vault room gate, but quickly dove behind a wall as bullets were fired at him.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled, appearing again and fired his assault rifle quickly. Fredrick stood beside him and looked over at Colin.

"Report?" he screamed.

"Wraith's dead, fucking Covenant dropships hovering above us, dropping troops onto us. Black Ops and marines" he yelled, firing his pistols again.

"Get back here! We're leaving" Owens yelled, firing his pistol twice.

"Garage door is being opened!" came the voice of Maddox in the distance. Owens swore and disappeared. Johnny however remained where he was and made gestures for Colin and Jamie to run. Colin looked over at Fisher, who was still hiding under the desk, holding the assault rifle. He grabbed the rifle from his hands and fired it over the desk quickly.

"Jamie! Go! Go now!" he yelled at the medic, who nodded and crawled over towards Johnny. Colin emptied his clip of 7.62 armor-piercing rounds and reloaded.

"Shade!" suddenly yelled Johnny. Colin looked over to him, to see the heavy weapons expert gesturing for him to come. Colin threw the assault rifle towards him. Jamie appeared and caught it. He then stood up and helped Johnny fire covering rounds. Colin was about to move, when a hand reached over the desk and grabbed him. Immediately, Colin dropped his pistols, grabbed the hand and pulled with all his might. A UNSC marine was flipped over the desk and landed upside down in front of Colin. He looked up at Colin, who grinned. He grabbed the marine and pulled him to his knees, punching him continuously in the head. The marine suddenly slammed his fist into Colin's armor, breaking his knuckles. Howling in pain, he broke free of Colin's grasp and went for his pistol. Colin leaned back and brought his boot up, kicking the marine in the face and breaking his jaw. He then grabbed his pistol and emptied his clip into the marine, who went limp. Colin shook his head, and then holstered his pistols again. He crawled past the dead marine and reached the vault gate. Jamie leaned forward and grabbed Colin's shoulder. He then pulled him through the gate, which Johnny quickly shut and locked. The marines and Covenant rushed into the lobby, but the three men were already moving to the garage. Johnny paused to look at Alan Henderson. The lone manager was running to open the gate. Colbourne took his pistol out and fired twice, hitting Alan in the face and throat. He toppled to the floor, a pool of blood forming from his screwed up face. Grinning, Johnny turned and rushed into the garage with the others. Owens and Maddox were reinforcing the lock on the garage, which was slowly being pulled up. Fredrick looked up at them, and then nodded at the vehicles.

"Shade and Spirit, get into the van! Specter, Death, you're with me, get into the Warthog" he yelled, jumping into the driver's seat of the military vehicle. Colin patted Jamie on the back and opened the door to the guard shift van. Fisher ran to the other side and climbed into the passenger's seat. They buckled up their seat belts and waited for Owens and the others to get into their Warthog. The 'Hog was in front of them, and would have to leave the garage first. Colin started the engine, and then waited. Colbourne was on the M41 LAAG chain gun. He swiveled it around to face the door and suddenly began firing. The bullets drove right through the cheap metal, smashing into the marines and Covenant troops on the other side. Owens revved the Warthog's engines and accelerated forward. The front part of the Warthog smashed right through the weakened door, flattening three Marines trying to get out of the way. Colin slammed his foot onto the gas pedal and the van quickly followed. Johnny was still firing his chain gun, picking off groups of marines and Covenant soldiers rushing towards them. Colin cut to the right quickly, almost running over some marines, and then rushed along the main road. Owens drove the Warthog to the far left of the road. He was heading straight for the warehouse.

"Oh shit!" General Banton yelled. He stood up quickly and dove to the right. Peter O'Neill looked through his sniper scope and watched the Warthogs front bumper slam through the side of the warehouse. The sniper didn't have time to scream as he was upended by the bumper and crushed beneath its wheels. The building was made out of a cheap metal, used for small storage sheds. The Warthog drove through it as if it was nothing but some bushes. The roof fell over top of them, but Owens kept his foot on the accelerator. General Banton's legs were crushed beneath a pile of metal which landed on him as he had tried to crawl out of the warehouse.

"Jesus Christ" Colin said, laughing as the Warthog emerged from the other side of the destroyed warehouse, its occupants still alive. Suddenly, large plasma rounds slammed into the ground around them as they drove along the main road at top speeds. Two of the Covenant dropships were following them, using their stationary plasma canons to try and pick them off. Johnny bent low to aim the chain gun into the air and fired at the nearest one. The bullets clanked against the armor, barely even denting it. Johnny continued to bend low, and fired again, this time hitting the ship's plasma canon. After a few thousand rounds, it finally blew off and the dropship stopped chasing them. The second dropship however was focused on the black van, which Colin was driving. He looked into the side mirror and saw the large ship fire, the plasma rounds hitting the ground to his left. Owens drove the Warthog closer, allowing Johnny to fire and take out the ship's canon. However, during his assault, a power cable that powered the dropship's left hovering pads was hit and destroyed. Without warning, the ship sank rapidly to the ground and smashed into it, flipping over and sliding along the ground after them. Pieces of metal and armor flew past them, as the wreckage literally chased them. Colin looked ahead and could see sub-divisions of New Washington approach. He turned left off Avery Street, Owens right behind him. The destroyed Covenant dropship slammed into the buildings and exploded, knocking them over and destroying the intersection completely. Colin laughed out loud.

"Wahoo! Nice one Shadow" he said into his radio.

"We're not done yet. Split up and head back to the rally point. Wait until everyone's there, then we get out of the city" Owens said.

"Roger" Colin said. They approached another intersection, where Colin turned right and the Warthog turned left. He watched the large vehicle disappear, wishing he had its protection. He sighed however, knowing it wouldn't come back and focused on getting to their apartment.

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
