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Fan Fiction

Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 3
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 April 2003, 12:02 AM

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(Truth And Reconciliation covenant cruiser, 300 yards above unknown ring world, time unknown)
Keyes awoke to a faint growling. His vision blurred then came into focus. He could feel four seperate, strong grips holding him. He looked around.
Four Jackals were carrying him. Keyes could see several other Covenant walk past looking at him. He could see the unconcious bodies of the others being dragged By other Jackals.
Keyes was dragged into a well lit room. At least a dozen Elites stood around him by the walls. This was the fourth time he was being interogated.
A Jackal stepped forward and put something cold against his neck and a sharp pain shot through his body. His head buzzed and he could feel every vein pulse rapidly.
An Elite in black armor stepped forward into the bright flourescent light that flooded the room. It pointed a long slender finger at him while the other hand palmed something on its belt and spoke. "You tell me where I can find the human who wears special armor."
Keyes just looked at it. "I haven't the foggiest idea." He glanced up at a dressing that was wrapped around its head. "Next time you run into him you might consider ducking."
The Elite in one quick, swift motion brought its hand up and back handed him across the face.
Keyes staggered and recovered and whiped away the blood that was trickling down his face. He met the Elite's stare then he looked at the Grunt in blakc shiny armor that stood at its side.
The Elite said something in its own language and the Jackals took him away.
They took him through several hallways and corridors. They met up with more Jackals who were carrying the others.
"Sir me and my last two marines are getting outta here sir," Holmes said.
"What do you mean?" Keyes asked.
"Were going to escape sir," He smiled weakly and whiped away the blood that was trickling down his face. "Nelson, Fowler get ready to go," Holmes said to the two marines.
They both nodded their heads, tensed their muscles and awaited his command.
"GO" Holmes shouted and he kicked the Jackals sheild out of the way and snatched it Plasma pistol. The ohter two did the same. Holmes pulled the firing mechanism and fired at the Jackal holding Keyes.
Keyes ducked andone of the Jackals who was holding Keyes, was stunned by the sudden escape was struck with a hail of plasma fire. Purple blood sprayed onto Keyes.
Holmes looked as the other Jackals hid behind their shields and fired.
Fowler was hit several times in the chest and was thrown back against a wall and slowly fell to the ground leaving a spatter of blood on the wall. He died sitting up.
Nelson and Holmes ran and disapeared around a corner. Two Elites charged after them and stopped in the middle of the hall and fired.
Keyes new the hall that the corner that they had rounded was a dead end. He watched as the two aliens fired spraying the area with plasmaand heard two distinct screams, then silence.
The three remaining Jackals grabbed Keyes and continued on. But they didn't picke up the others, just him. He turned around and watched as the two Elites came down and forced the other people downon their knees. He watched as one by one they were shot in the head.
Ensign Lovell screamed and was immediatly silenced as the superheated plasma slammed into the back of his head. Lt. Hall prayed then fell as plasma hammered her head and fell in a pool of blood that was forming on the ground.
Keyes looked away and prayed for his lost comrades. He was taken to a brig with several covenant around. Four other UNSC marines were in the cells.
The Jackals took him to a cell and the water like energy field that served as bars faded. They threw him in and walked away. Keyes got up to his feet and went up to the strange force field that rippled like water. He touched it thinking that his hand would go right through but it met resistence. He walked into a corner and sat down exhuasted.
In the cell paralel to his, a marine was standing up clutching his stomach. Blood dripped omto the ground. He was obviously wounded. He looked at Keyes and le his arms dangle revealing the wound. His burnt entrails fell out and the marine collapsed to the blood slick floor.
Again Keyes prayed. He finished and leaned against the wall not knowing what was going to happen next.
To Be Continued...
