
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: mcscousin
Date: 20 February 2007, 12:13 am

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"An unpleasant, and often strong, emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger, accompanied by increased autonomic activity..."

Stormy skies, dusty streets,
That's the way the critter creeps;
Through the cracks, under the door,
By the route we all deplore.

Shattered glass, scattered nails,
Even over those it sails;
Around the rocks, between the shards,
None of that succeeds to guard.

Silenced lights, padlocked gates,
Just beyond all those it waits;
Above the wall, over the fence,
Right past these it travels hence.

Shouted cries, lonely tears,
Both of these it longs to hear;
Beneath the bed, within the heart,
Wherever-in there once was dark.

Scarlet hands, hallowed minds,
Against the will it holds and binds;
Inside the want, behind the act,
Blood made ink upon this pact.

Skylight dreams, sundry thoughts,
Deceit leads on to all the faults;
Into the wish, upon the star,
It makes a cut that grows a scar.

Soulless eyes, fallen hopes,
Fiction held but tattered ropes;
From the start, to the end,
Keys it holds to seed a mend.

                                    -MC's Cousin
