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Fan Fiction

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper: Private Jeremy P. Diddy
Posted By: lam<lamminator_21@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 May 2006, 12:52 am

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      Ever since the covenant/human war started, thousands of young people joined the Navy. Some to have honour, others to prove themselves worthy, but one.

      'Hi, my name is Lt. Mckay, and I want to tell you about my first recruit, Jeremy; a Hell Jumper. The Bravest, the smartest, and the youngest.' Mckay began to tell the story to her new Hell Jumpers.

(Eradinus VI, Menachite II Forest)

      'Pilot, you can touch down here, the covenant will see us if you go any further.'First luitenant Mckay commanded.'Aye, sir!' The pilot answered back. Mckay nodded and gave out a signal to his squad to be ready. Everyone else nodded and switched their weapons safeties off. Mckay counted 6 ODST's and grinned. He expected more troops to infiltrate the covenant camp. With only 7 including him agains't about a thousand armed aliens, their chances were very slim.'Ok ladies, I know we weren't able to use our old transportation, but we'll have a chance next time. Now we go on feet to the bastards camp and then we blow the crap out of them...Hell Jumper style. Am I right?!?!' He screamed.'Sir! Yes Sir!'They all shouted back.'Good, Let's move out! Double time.'All the ODSTs exited the dropship's hatch and moved into the forest. One Hell Jumper, Private Jeremy slowed down and thought he should've never joined in all this crap. He should've just stayed home with his ma and go out with his friends.'The hell with that.' He whispered to himself, not thinking anyone would hear. Mckay heard and walked over to him and patted him on the back and said,'you going to be find son, don't worry.' Jeremy turned and starred ar her for a moment. Then he nodded and walked up with the rest of the squad.

(Eradinus VI, Covenant camp)

      As the Mckay and her squad surged closer toward the covenant camp, they saw hundreds of welled armed grunts, and jackals. No sign of elites, that was good. Mckay had been wrong. There weren't thousands of covenant forces. She was glad she was wrong.'This is gonna be a piece of cake boys.' She said happily to her squad. They didn't laugh or look at her. She knew they were still scared. It was their first mission. Who wouldn't be scared on their first mission?'Ok, Jeremy and Ken, you get left platoon. Mary and George, you get right. The rest follow me.' When they were at the edge of the camp, Mckay threw 2 fragmentation grenades at a couple of grunts. There were screams where she had thrown the grenades and followed by a pair of explosions. The surrounding grunts and jackals looked everywhere, confused, just eager to seek a target before something else bad happens. It was too late, more explosions shook the ground under their feets and blood flew everywhere. Now the grunts started running wildly everywhere bumping into one another and getting trampled.
The jackals turned their backs to the squad trying to calm them down. That was a wrong move. The ODSTs appeared out of their covers and started firing their MA5B's. Controlled burst ripped through the jackals backs and splattered purple blood everywhere. That was when the massacre began.

      After 5 minutes of continuous fire, the ODSTs already took out half of the camp. Finally the the grunts recovered and hid behind supply boxes, waiting for the squad to come. The ODST's were busy finishing off several jackals when Jeremy shouted out,'This is too easy Eltee! Haha take this.'Mckay who dived from a plasma bolt and used up the rest of her clip on a grunt said,'Don't get cocky boy! you never know what'll hit ya next!' Jeremy smiled and continued firing.

      After finishing off the wave of jackals, they continued to search the base for survivors. As they moved to the uncleared section of the base, the grunts as well as a few elites eager to get a kill. Mary and George walked over to a pile of cargo boxes and George started talking to her.'So, wanna go out with me? you know after we mop out the rest of them. Wait you're a virgin right? You don't want to be a virgin for the rest of your life do you?' Mary starred over at the ODST and rolled her eyes.'Back off boy, don't mess with me.' He grinned and moved closer toward her.'You get any closer and I'll pop my rifle up your ass!'He chuckled and moved closer until he turned pale and froze. Mary moved away and saw that he was hit in the neck by a plasma beam. Blood dripped down his back and he fell, motionless. Mary panicked and called for back-up.She searched for where the plasma came and was struck in the torso. She yelped and grabbed her mid-s, coughing blood. She looked up and saw an elite pointing a plasma rifle at her head. It was the last thing she ever saw before the warrior pulled the trigger...

      'Marie! George! Report! Hello?!?!' Mckay yelled as she heard a scream behind multiple cargo boxes. She aimed her MA5B at the area and started walking forward. The remaining squad members followed. When Mackay was 2 feet from the boxes, the elite that was hiding there appeared and fired plasma beams right at her. Mckay saw and used her rifle as a shield just in time. One plasma collided with the MA5B and melted part or the rifle. The other beam hit her in the shoulder pad, knocking her down relatively saving her life from the last plasma beam which soared right pass her hitting an ODST right in the thigh. He fell down holding on to his leg. Mckay who recovered from the fall holstered her sidearm and shot the elite in the head. It's energy shields flickered as the rounds impacted on it's armour. The elite groaned and tried to side step to the side, but the other ODSTs fired as well, depleting it's shield and tearing through it's flesh.'Hold your fire.'Mckay ordered when she saw the elite was already dead. Everyone stopped instantly. Mckay looked at her disfigured MA5B and knew it was no longer functioning. Jeremy kneeled beside his shot friend and checked his pulse. When Jeremy finished he shook his head and backed away.'Sarge, he's gone.'Jeremy said in a low voice. Mckay shook her head when she found two more bodies behind the cargo boxes. There were only 4 Hell Jumpers left and Mckay knew there were more covenant hiding.'Ken get that body behind the the cover. Jeremy...' She stopped and held a hand on her injured shoulder, groaning with pain. Jeremy saw and injected bio-foam on the wound. Mckay looked up and nodded. He did the same and turned away to the others. Just as Ken started picking up the dead ally, more covenant appeared from their hiding places and started firing plasma at the ODSTs. The Hell Jumpers were caught by surprise...

      A plasma bolt flew right past Jeremy's head and he felt the intense heat from it. It was painful, but he ignored it to fire at two grunts behind him. Beside him was Ken who was covering him got hit square in the chest by a plasma beam and moaned. Jeremy saw his friend got hit and when on front of him covering Ken when he was retreating behind the cargo. Jeremy fired 3 round bursts at a party of grunts and took them down swiftly. He turned to his right and saw another wave of Jackals covered by their shields. There was no way he could get them with his AR so straffed to the side, dodging a dozen of plasma bolts and chucked a grenade behind the the advancing jackals. They didn't notice and was caught by surprise when they were shredded to pieces by an explosion behind them. Just then a pair of elites 3 meters behind Jeremy appeared and started throwing plasma grenades. An ODST warned him in time and he rolled out of the way barely missing the grenades from attaching to him. The plasma grenades arked past him and stuck 2 grunts who were trying to ambush Jeremy, on the head. The screamed and ran toward another flock of covenant and they were engulfed by multiple exlposions of plasma. Bits of burnt flesh flew in different dirrections as they smoke cleared and there was nothing left but a 6 inch crater where they covenant were. Mckay and the rest of the squad made the last 2 elites eat continuous amounts of armour piercing rounds before they can fire at Jeremy. They were dead before they even fell...Mckay watched the whole thing and stared at Jeremy with impression.'Looks like we have ourselves a new hero.'She whispered, watching Jeremy take care of 'his' squad. She walked over and gave him a compliment he never expected.'You did good boy, maybe you'll get a promotion once we get the hell outta here.' Jeremy smiled, showing his bare teeth and gained control over his body again. He can't believe he was getting promoted on his first mission. He joined the army just to travel through the universe, flying with the stars, and discovering new things he could never imagine. He stared back at his comrades and saw they were staring at him back with awe. After Ken finished getting treated he walked over to Jeremy and patted him on the back.'You deserved it. You saved me and most of us. You should be proud man. But don't worrry next time it'll be my turn.'he said sarcastically. Jeremy smiled and nudged Ken on his helmet.
'Ok, Ken call for back-up. we'll send in the mop up crew to finish up the work. We did a helluva job today. The injured can't fight anymore, they'll need medical attention back at H.Q. Do it, on the double!' Mckay suddenly commanded. Ken saluted her and got to his business.

      After a few minutes, the pelican dropship"Bravo 11" arrived and picked up the Mckay and her squad, dropping off more units on to the ground. As they soared off, Jeremy looked back at the covenant camp and saw mostly bodies and dust everywhere of covenant. They did do a pretty good job after all and most of all,he couldn't wait to meet the C.O. sergeant for the first time. Maybe he can learn a few things from the sergeant. Maybe even the secrets of the universe...nah what was he thinking?

(Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      'And that's only the beginning of the great adventures of Jeremy...The proud ODST with nerves of steel. Hah! Ok boys get back to the training I gave you. Oh yea! Was it 500 push-ups and 1000 sets of suicides. Get to it! And maybe if you do good, I'll continue the series.'Blabbered Mckay. Her new squad sighed and started her crazy training except one who frowned and asked her,'Aww come on El Tee! Who wants to hear that bull anyways. I can do better than him. Just wait until you see me in action. Haha!' Mckay laughed her head off and was finally able to pull out a few words.'Ok Johnson, you get to stay out of the next mission if you don't hear the ODST history. But now just do what I'm telling ya to do or you'll do double of that! Hahaha!' Johnson frowned and walked off joining the rest of his team...humiliated by his team's giggling.
