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Death By Corrosion V1, E1: Start From The Beginning
Posted By: Kurt Cobain<DeathbyCorrosion07@yahoo.com>
Date: 29 September 2003, 10:08 PM

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Deathy by Corrosion V1
Episode 1: Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone

"Hit the dirt and one, two, three, UP! Again and one, two, three, UP! Again and one, two, three, UP! Very good, now hit the showers. Move it, you bunch of prissy pussies.The next one of you retards even looks at me, will get the black, or white smacked off his ass!" The marines, never looked at him, they were afraid of their Sergeant. Sergeant Thomas Tolkien, the hardest ass in the military, everyone hated him. He treated everyone like shit, and yet still got respect. But, that all caught up with him, yes that did, noone talks about him much anymore, but that one day everyone was happy, the day they found out that Sergeant Tolkien had been killed in a 'training accident'. Everyone knew that Tolkien just pushed someone too hard, and got pushed back, except harder then he could ever imagine. It was a rainy day on the island of Moheemee, and that's how it was usually. The Sarge wanted to do a live training op. I remember like it was yesterday.


"Okay everyone, this is something new, we haven't done this before. This is a live training op, Live! Do you understand me," no one answered," can I get a sir, yes-fucking, sir? Is that a no, you mean i can't get one," the Sarge pulled out a gun, and fired a round through one of the marines legs.
"Shit, that hurt!" The marine was Private James Beck, a fairly skinny young man in his late 20's. He had brown combed back hair, and was gay(homosexual). The only reason he was in the military was because his father worked for a large corporation. His father was the famous Ben Beck, from SynThex Corp. He did't want anyone to know his boy was a fudgepacker, so he signed him up. Here he was now, a hole through his leg. "Dammit, sir, yes, sir."
"Gaywad over here said it, why can't you?" Tolkien lifts the gun, and aims it at James head, his finger on the trigger. " I guess, that's a no, so say goodbye to your friend James. 1...2...3!" Water squirts into James ear, "Just messing with you, James. I'd never kill you, your father is too well known. I'd be down and in jail in less than a week, I ain't that stupid."
The helicopter slowly drops down, and everyone jumps out, readying their weapons. Another Private, Private Travis Ellis, a tall built man, with black hair, and a goatee. He got into the military to help Earth City. He wanted to be one ever since he heard about MasterChief in the year 2552, he was only 8 then, now he's 32. The year is 2576, and MasterChief was now dead. He'd died of natural causes, or so they say. Anyway, that was 7 years ago, and he had to concentrate on what was going on right here. He walked with his partner, Private Nate Keyes.
Private Keyes' mind was racing, and full of thoughts. He was thinking about his father, and why he had even joined up. His father was the reason, his father was a war hero. His father was Captain Jacob Keyes, the famous Captain of the Covenant vs. Human War on 'Halo'. He aimed his gun up high, then got a transmission. Static Keyes, come to the Checkpoint, its 30-clicks to your east, then 20-clicks to your north, leave now, over and outStatic.
"C'mon, let's go." Private Keyes, and Private Ellis walked the thirty clicks, then the twenty clicks. They finally arrived at the base, but at that time, the Sarge wasn't there. "Where is Tolkien?"
"We don't know, we're waiting for him. Come on, get under this roof, it's pouring out there." They moved under the roof, "So should we split up. First, who's all here?" Everyone raised there hand, so he could count. "One, two, tree, four, five, six... now say your name."
"Keyes. Ellis. Ripley. Beck. Charles. Ray." Everyone said there name out loud. Their voices subtle, but understandable even from the sound of the rain. "Everyone's here, except Jenson. BOOM!. The sky lit up, as the explosion roared. Everyone ran towards it, and when they reached it, they saw Sergeant Tolkien lying there, smoking.
"Is that, Tolkien. Oh god, it is. How did this happen... Jenson!" They noticed the bushes shaking, but shrugged it off, thinking of the wind. A man suddenly emerged from them, and ran screaming towards the marines. "Wholly Shit! Who's that? Jenson, is that you. Why'd you kill the Sarge? Tell me," he grabbed the man, and shook him. "Tell me, dammit! This is so fucking scary, man I'm scared to shit. I pissed my pants."
"I don't know what happened, I was just standing here, then something exploded. Im scared too, do you know where the checkpoint is? Please take me there, I'm wounded," Jenson showed Keyes his leg. A huge blistering burn mark on his leg smoked, and ozooed steam. "It hurt's so goddamn bad, I need help.
"Yes I do, I'll take you there, come on." Keyes grabbed Jenson by the hand, and led him to the base. "Okay, I found Jenson, he said he doesn't know who killed Tolkien. He's hurt pretty badly, anyone got a medpac." Everyone shook their heads no.
"No," Beck screamed in anger and pain,"because if we did, it would already be in use, my fucking leg is almost gone, goddammit! It hurts so bad, I'm losing too much blood man, if i dont get help soon, I'm gonna die, I don't wanna die, please don't let me die!"
"We won't, but first we have to see who killed Tolkien, we know it was one of you. I'm not saying I didn't wanna ice the bastard, but I didn't. Every had one grenade right, take yours out, NOW!" Everyone took their grenades out, and held them out, in front of each other. Keyes walked by, and checked everyone, "Let's see, that's one, two, three, four, five, six...," his voice trailed off. Everyone leaned forward to see who didn't have a grenade. It was Beck, the homo that, they all knew, Tolkien made fun off, and despised the most.
"I knew it, I knew you did it. You had to have done it, your grenades gone. Besides, your the only one who had motive."
"Bullshit, c'mon Keyes, dont tell me you believe them. One of them could have taken my grenade at any time, plus I can't walk. C'mon Keyes, please don't believe them."
"I don't know what to believe right now, just sit down and relax. Now, Ellis did have a point there, you a are the one he made fun of and hated the most."
"Oh, bullshit. You mean to tell me that you never had even one thought about taking his life. You mean to tell me that you never had one thought about killing yourself, because of him. Your lying, all of you are fuckin' liars. I didn't kill him, why would I? So what if my dad owes SynThex, that doesn't mean shit to me, OKAY! If I wanted to kill Tolkien, I would have, but I didn't want to kill that rascist bastard, I wanted to see him grow old, to see him suffer. To see him shit his old rubber diapers when he's 90 years old, to laugh in his fat, black fucking face when his heart crapped out when he reaches 99!" Beck gathered his breath, as he cried. "No, I'm actually sorry to say I didn't kill his black ass, huh?" BLAM, a bullet passed through Beck's brain.
"Don't call him black, you white-fuckin'-cracker!" Ripley breathed heavily, as he put his gun away.
"Why the hell did you do that," Jenson screamed," you just added another casualty, Tolkien's gonna kill..." Jenson's voice trailed off, as he remembered that Tolkien was dead.
"I say that we frame Beck. Say that he died trying to kill Tolkien, how about, we won't get blamed. The evidence is already washed off, we have the same guns, they won't be able to figure out a damn thing. I'm for it, who else is?" Ellis, Jenson, Charles, and Ray all raised their hands. "Okay, then we're doing it."


"So your saying that you framed him, and that you still don't know who killed Tolkien. That's screwed up, so tell me more!"

